全新MacBook Pro最新实测报告

全新MacBook Pro最新实测报告

JP Mangalindan 2012-06-20
新MacBook Pro的视网膜屏体验十分出色,更轻更薄,可谓物有所值。不过它2199美元的价格可能不是所有人都消费得起的。
图为安装了视网膜屏的最新15寸MacBook Pro。0.71英寸的厚度比你的食指都要薄。但它真值这个价格吗?
照片来源:JP Mangalindan/《财富》

    苹果公司(Apple)最新发布的15寸Macbook Pro看起来要比老款更加轻薄,不过千万不要把它和Macbook Air搞混了。它标价2,199美元,它搭载了一颗性能更强大的2.3GHz的英特尔i7四核处理器、8GB的RAM、256GB的固态硬盘、两个USB3.0接口、两个Thunderbolt接口,还有一块视网膜显示屏。苹果自豪地称它为公司有史以来生产的“最先进的Mac笔记本”。不知它是否能担得起这番赞誉?为此我们花了整整一周的时间进行评测。


    从远处看,它和老款Macbook Pro并没有多大区别,线条大同小异。只有细看才能发现一些不同之处,它的屏幕与机身契合得更紧密,键盘的颜色更浅,更像MacBook Air的键盘。更值得称道的是它的整机厚度只有0.71英寸,比大多数人的手指还要薄。同时它的重量也减轻了一些。新Macbook Pro只有4.4磅重,比老款的15寸MacBook Pro轻了近一磅,甚至还要略轻于13英寸版的MacBook Pro。当然它在轻薄上还是比不过11寸MacBook Air(2.2磅)或13寸MacBook Air(2.9磅),不过新MacBook Pro的机身要宽大得多,因此重量一经分散,在使用的时候倒也不觉得沉重。

    苹果的老用户们要注意了:为了把新MacBook Pro的机身造得更轻薄,苹果公司把它的电源适配器也做了“瘦身”。也就是说,老款或标准Macbook Pro的电源适配器无法用于新款,必须花9.99美元另行购买一个全新的适配器。这是个小细节,不过那些指望继续使用旧电源线的用户必须记住这一点。

    Apple's new 15-inch notebook may look thinner and lighter than older MacBook Pro models, but there's no mistaking this for a MacBook Air. For $2,199, users get a more powerful 2.3 GHz quad-core Intel i7 processor, 8-gigabytes of RAM, a 256 GB solid state drive, two USB 3.0 ports, two Thunderbolt ports, and a Retina Display. But is it what Apple proudly calls, "the most advanced Mac" they've ever made? We spent a week with a review unit to find out.

    The look

    From afar, it doesn't look like much has changed. It has the same lines of MacBook Pros before it. But look closer, and you'll notice the tweaks, like a screen that's more flush with the rest of the computer, a shallower keyboard more in line with the MacBook Air's, and at .71 thick, a body that's thinner than most people's index fingers. It's also lost some weight. At 4.4 lbs., it's nearly a pound less than previous 15-inch MacBook Pros and a hair lighter than even the 13-incher. That isn't quite as impressive as say, the featherweight status of the 11-inch MacBook Air (2.2 lbs) or 13-inch MacBook Air (2.9 lbs), but because the new MacBook Pro's weight is spread across a much larger case, it doesn't feel quite as heavy when you're actually lugging it around.

    Long-time Apple users may want to take note: To make way for the MacBook Pro's thinner body, the company trimmed the laptop's power adapter. That means the power adapters from older notebooks or the standard MacBook Pros of this generation won't power up this model without a $9.99 Tic Tac-sized converter. It's a minor detail, but it's something to remember for those who were hoping to use their old power cords.
