

Michal Lev-Ram 2012-06-01
谷歌电脑升级换代,但是不能指望消费者一定会买账。不管谷歌喜欢与否,企业用户还是更依赖传统软件,而Chromebook的运行更倚重网络应用。更重要的是,这台初出茅庐的笔记本电脑身边强敌层出不穷,无不虎视眈眈——不仅有苹果公司的iPad和Macbook Air,还有所谓的“超极本”。


    现在,不管到底卖出了多少台,谷歌可能都能继续运作Chromebook项目。公司表示,今年年底会有更多厂商推出Chromebook,这一升级版电脑将在百思买(Best Buy)这些零售店销售(到目前为止Chromebook还只能在线销售)。同时,Chromebook很可能还会获得思思维前瞻的教育机构的青睐,而像非盈利组织这样对价格敏感的机构也会感兴趣。但不能指望这些最新功能会对企业用户的销售产生重大影响——这一天的到来可能还得等上数年,也有可能这一幕永远不会出现。不过对谷歌来说,它手里幸而还有安卓(Android)可以撑场面。


    "Chrome OS is a very important and strategic effort for us," says Sengupta. "It's the direction we've been going with apps and Chrome. It's a new kind of computing system that's simple and is super fast."

    For now, Google can probably afford to keep its Chromebooks project running regardless of how many computers actually get sold. The company says more manufacturers will unveil Chromebooks by end of this year, and that the updated computers will sell in retail locations like Best Buy (up until now Chromebooks were only available online). In the meantime, it's likely Chromebooks will continue to gain traction with forward-thinking educational institutions and maybe other price-sensitive organizations like the non-profit sector. But don't expect these latest features to have a profound effect on enterprise sales--that may be years away. Or it may never happen. Lucky for Google, it's also got Android.
