Kindle Fire退货量大猜想

Kindle Fire退货量大猜想

Philip Elmer-DeWitt 2011-12-07
一些大失所望的用户给了Kindle Fire一星评价,我们据此推算出了Kindle Fire的退货量。


Kindle Fire的评价

    苹果(Apple)每个季度会向美国证券交易委员会(SEC)报告产品销量。但亚马逊不同,它从不向投资者透露自己究竟卖出了多少Kindle,我们唯一能做的就是猜测,一如本周五调研机构IHS iSuppli发布的预测报告。报告称,本季度,亚马逊将出货390万部Kindle Fire;与之对比,苹果将出货1,860万部iPad。

    用户对iPad的整体评价为非常满意,但Kindle Fire却不尽然。


    失望透顶。 967位用户中有773人认为评价有帮助


    Kindle Fire根本就是骗人的玩意!!趁他们没有发货,赶紧取消订单吧。1,200位用户中952位认为有帮助



    对Kindle Fire和客服系统非常不满。241位用户中190人认为有帮助

    Kindle Fire的使用体验非常差劲。59位用户中48人认为有帮助



    一天之后就果断退掉了Kindle Fire。 215位用户中166位认为有帮助

    上述10位用户中有八个明确表示将退回自己的Kindle Fire,还有一个则已经付诸行动。

    我们来粗略估算一下,假设一星用户(占总用户的13.3%)中90%的人将退回Kindle Fire,那么本季度预计出货的390万部Kindle Fire中会有将近50万部重新回到亚马逊手中。

    Unlike Apple (AAPL), which reports unit sales to the SEC every three months, Amazon (AMZN) has never told investors how many Kindles it has sold. The best we have are guesses, like the estimate released Friday by IHS iSuppli that Amazon will ship 3.9 Kindle Fires this quarter compared with 18.6 million Apple iPads.

    The satisfaction ratings for iPads, however, are off the charts. The Kindle Fire? Not so much.

    Here are headlines of the top 10 one-star Kindle Fire reviews rated "most helpful."

    Total disappointment 773 of 967 people found the review helpful

    Does not open previously purchased Kindle Books 489 of 614 found helpful

    FRAUD on the Fire!! Deregister yours before it ships! 952 of 1,200 found helpful

    Content in the Cloud. Forget it. 417 of 524 found helpful

    I really wanted to like it - but it is not for me 350 of 446 found helpful

    Very Dissapointed with Kindle Fire and Customer Service 190 of 241 found helpful

    Using the Fire is frustrating and unpleasant experience 48 of 59 found helpful

    Very Disappointed 259 of 332 found helpful

    Open letter to Jeff Bezos 41 of 50 found helpful

    Returned the Kindle Fire after only one day 166 of 215 found helpful

    Eight of these 10 customers stated explicitly that they were returning their Kindle Fires, and a ninth sounded like he already had.

    Using 90% of the 13.3% one-star reviews as rough measure, this suggests that nearly half a million of the estimated 3.9 million Kindles to be shipped this quarter will be returned.

iPad 2 测评 


    再来看看iPad的评价如何?亚马逊并未像推销Kindle Fire那样大力推销iPad,而且也仅仅通过第三方供应商进行销售。不过在亚马逊网站上的475篇iPad 2评论中,有超过60%是五星评价,仅有7.2%是一星评价。虽有个别失望的用户要求退回残次产品,但只有一人要求直接退款,理由是iPad 2无法在其(老式)Windows笔记本上用USB口充电。


    How do the iPad reviews compare? Amazon doesn't promote the iPad like it does the Kindle, and it only sells it through third party vendors. But of the 475 iPad 2 reviews posted on Amazon.com, more than 60% gave it five stars and only 7.2% gave it one star. A couple of disappointed customers had to return defective devices, but only one asked for his money back. He was upset because he couldn't charge the device using USB port on his (old) Windows laptop.
