

PAOLO CONFINO 2024-04-13

AC米兰老板格里·卡迪纳尔在意大利米兰观看比赛。图片来源:MARCO LUZZANI

格里·卡迪纳尔事业有成:他在高盛(Goldman Sachs)工作了二十年,创建了一家规模接近100亿美元的私募股权公司红鸟资本(RedBird Capital),还与体育娱乐界的名人建立了深厚的友谊,包括乔治·施泰因布伦纳、本·阿弗莱克和巨石强森等。

他操盘了多笔巨额交易,如红鸟资本在2022年以12亿美元收购著名意大利足球俱乐部AC米兰(AC Milan)。但对于那些想要拥有一支球队的人们,他有一条忠告:“现在体育不再是富人的业余爱好。”



卡迪纳尔在高盛商业银行部门工作了20年,曾参与过各种客户的不同交易,包括财力雄厚的两支球队纽约洋基队(New York Yankees)和达拉斯牛仔队(Dallas Cowboys)的交易。卡迪纳尔帮助洋基队成立了洋基娱乐与体育网络(Yankee Entertainment and Sports Network),并为该球队的新赛场提供资金。他与达拉斯牛仔队的老板杰瑞·琼斯是老相识,他们合作成立了一家专注于体育场馆运营的公司Legends Hospitality。卡迪纳尔表示:“我在体育产业选择的模式依旧是——而且一直都是——与球队或联盟等权利持有人合作,并围绕这些权利构建终值业务。”

在红鸟资本,他有将体育与娱乐相结合的诀窍。例如,红鸟资本投资了勒布朗·詹姆斯的传媒公司SpringHill Company,并帮助迈克尔·B·乔丹和瑞恩·雷诺兹投资F1车队Alpine Racing。红鸟资本甚至与巨石强森合作,买下了极限职业橄榄球联盟(Xtreme Football League)。





转会市场的问题是,财力最雄厚的俱乐部会在竞争中开出高价,使魔球式的球员招募更难执行。卡迪纳尔在2020年以1,500万美元买下法国图卢兹足球俱乐部(Toulouse FC)后,确实曾经历过降级风险,但该球队在降级后的一个赛季,又重新回到了法国顶级联赛。


比恩小时候很少踢球,但2003年他和妻子的一次伦敦之旅,让他对足球产生了浓厚的兴趣。他与法国足球高管达米恩·科莫利不期而遇,后者是他的魔球理论的忠实拥护者。科莫利后来受雇于英国球队利物浦俱乐部(Liverpool F.C.),该球队的所有者是约翰·亨利的芬威体育集团(Fenway Sports Group,FSG),该集团旗下还有波士顿红袜队(Boston Red Sox)。比恩的影响力发挥了作用:作为比恩的长期忠实拥护者,亨利甚至邀请比恩担任棒球队的总经理,并提出了棒球历史上最高的薪酬。比恩婉拒了他的邀请后,亨利聘请了精通数据分析的天才西奥·爱泼斯坦,他后来领导红袜队和小熊队(Cubs)赢得了具有历史意义的冠军。2017年,爱泼斯坦进入《财富》全球最伟大领袖榜,并名列榜首。







格里·卡迪纳尔事业有成:他在高盛(Goldman Sachs)工作了二十年,创建了一家规模接近100亿美元的私募股权公司红鸟资本(RedBird Capital),还与体育娱乐界的名人建立了深厚的友谊,包括乔治·施泰因布伦纳、本·阿弗莱克和巨石强森等。

他操盘了多笔巨额交易,如红鸟资本在2022年以12亿美元收购著名意大利足球俱乐部AC米兰(AC Milan)。但对于那些想要拥有一支球队的人们,他有一条忠告:“现在体育不再是富人的业余爱好。”



卡迪纳尔在高盛商业银行部门工作了20年,曾参与过各种客户的不同交易,包括财力雄厚的两支球队纽约洋基队(New York Yankees)和达拉斯牛仔队(Dallas Cowboys)的交易。卡迪纳尔帮助洋基队成立了洋基娱乐与体育网络(Yankee Entertainment and Sports Network),并为该球队的新赛场提供资金。他与达拉斯牛仔队的老板杰瑞·琼斯是老相识,他们合作成立了一家专注于体育场馆运营的公司Legends Hospitality。卡迪纳尔表示:“我在体育产业选择的模式依旧是——而且一直都是——与球队或联盟等权利持有人合作,并围绕这些权利构建终值业务。”

在红鸟资本,他有将体育与娱乐相结合的诀窍。例如,红鸟资本投资了勒布朗·詹姆斯的传媒公司SpringHill Company,并帮助迈克尔·B·乔丹和瑞恩·雷诺兹投资F1车队Alpine Racing。红鸟资本甚至与巨石强森合作,买下了极限职业橄榄球联盟(Xtreme Football League)。





转会市场的问题是,财力最雄厚的俱乐部会在竞争中开出高价,使魔球式的球员招募更难执行。卡迪纳尔在2020年以1,500万美元买下法国图卢兹足球俱乐部(Toulouse FC)后,确实曾经历过降级风险,但该球队在降级后的一个赛季,又重新回到了法国顶级联赛。


比恩小时候很少踢球,但2003年他和妻子的一次伦敦之旅,让他对足球产生了浓厚的兴趣。他与法国足球高管达米恩·科莫利不期而遇,后者是他的魔球理论的忠实拥护者。科莫利后来受雇于英国球队利物浦俱乐部(Liverpool F.C.),该球队的所有者是约翰·亨利的芬威体育集团(Fenway Sports Group,FSG),该集团旗下还有波士顿红袜队(Boston Red Sox)。比恩的影响力发挥了作用:作为比恩的长期忠实拥护者,亨利甚至邀请比恩担任棒球队的总经理,并提出了棒球历史上最高的薪酬。比恩婉拒了他的邀请后,亨利聘请了精通数据分析的天才西奥·爱泼斯坦,他后来领导红袜队和小熊队(Cubs)赢得了具有历史意义的冠军。2017年,爱泼斯坦进入《财富》全球最伟大领袖榜,并名列榜首。







Gerry Cardinale has done well in his career: two decades at Goldman Sachs, founding the nearly $10 billion private-equity firm RedBird Capital, and glittering friendships in sports and entertainment that run from George Steinbrenner to Ben Affleck to The Rock.

He’s done huge deals, such as RedBird’s $1.2 billion acquisition of the storied Italian soccer club AC Milan in 2022. But he’s got a message for those who wish to try their hand at owning a team: “Sports now is no longer a hobby for rich guys.”

“Sports is a multibillion-dollar live event entertainment business, and you have to bring relationships and multidisciplinary skill sets across a range of activities to be able to get these things done,” he tells Fortune.

For Cardinale, a prolific investor in sports and media, the bygone era of sports as a vanity project for local magnates is gone. Instead, international competition from global investors of the highest order, each with their own vast troves of capital, mean that even fun things like sports now require serious management.

Cardinale spent 20 years at Goldman Sachs’ merchant bank working on all manner of deals with all kinds of clients, including the New York Yankees and Dallas Cowboys, two teams synonymous with big money. Cardinale helped the Yankees launch the Yankee Entertainment and Sports Network and finance their new stadium. He also has a long relationship with Cowboys owners Jerry Jones, with whom he partnered to start Legends Hospitality, a company that specializes in stadium hospitality. “My model in sports continues to be, and traditionally has been, partnering with a rights holder like a team or a league and building terminal value businesses around those rights,” Cardinale says.

At RedBird, he’s had a knack for merging the worlds of sports and entertainment. For instance, RedBird is an investor in LeBron James’ media firm SpringHill Company, and he helped Michael B. Jordan and Ryan Reynolds invest in Formula 1 team Alpine Racing. RedBird even partnered with The Rock to buy the Xtreme Football League.

Over the last 15 years, soccer has seen a ton of wealth pour into the sport from all over the world: oil money from the Middle East, oligarchics from Russia and Eastern Europe, and all manner of tycoons from Asia and, increasingly, America. And most of these investors have run their teams like businesses, investing hordes of money into securing lucrative sponsors, building world-class infrastructure like stadiums and training grounds, and naturally, signing the game’s best players, often at record-breaking prices. All this to turn what was once a game into a booming business.

Cardinale thinks he can do that with the help of another famous name in his rolodex—Billy Beane. He sees an opportunity for the “moneyball” approach made famous by Beane.

Cardinale brings moneyball to Italy

“Billy opened my eyes to the potential of a creative, company-building investor with an entrepreneurial mind like myself of actually investing in European football despite the risks around the transfer market and relegation,” Cardinale says.

The trouble with the transfer market is how the world’s wealthiest clubs can outspend all their competition, making moneyball-style recruitment even harder. While Cardinale did experience the risk of relegation firsthand after he bought the French club Toulouse FC in 2020 for $15 million, after it had been relegated, Toulouse won promotion back to the French top flight the following season.

It was Beane who managed to convince Cardinale to keep investing in European soccer. “Billy’s view is that moneyball is really quite well served in European football,” Cardinale says.

Beane didn’t grow up playing soccer, but a love for the game blossomed during a 2003 trip to London with his wife. He crossed paths with French soccer executive Damien Comolli, who was a great admirer of his moneyball philosophy. Comolli would eventually get hired by Liverpool F.C., the English soccer team owned by John Henry’s Fenway Sports Group (FSG), which also owns the Boston Red Sox. And here the web of Beane is at work: Henry had been a long-time admirer of Beane’s, even offering to make him the highest paid general manager in baseball history. When Beane turned him down, all Henry did was hire the data-crunching prodigy Theo Epstein, who went on to lead both the Red Sox and Cubs to historic championships. In 2017, Epstein topped the Fortune World’s Greatest Leaders list.

Beane and Henry did come close to consummating their professional relationship in October 2020 when FSG was slated to go public via a SPAC that Beane co-chaired with Cardinale. The deal ended up falling through. But from those connections Cardinale and FSG would continue working together.

In March 2021, RedBird invested $735 million to acquire about a 10% stake in FSG. Cardinale also brought with him a few of his A-list connections, with Lebron James also getting an ownership stake. Much of Cardinale’s plans at Milan echo FSG’s work with Liverpool in reviving a fallen giant. For Liverpool, it took several years before they achieved the on-field success ownership sought. However, the blueprint seems to have worked, with Liverpool winning a Champions League in 2019 and, in 2020, the club secured its first Premier League title in 30 years.

Now with the FSG’s success story at Liverpool already written, Cardinale might be able to speed up the process at Milan. Cardinale has already taken Beane’s roster-building analytics to heart, while trying to improve on them. “Gone are the days where showing up with data…was a competitive advantage,” Cardinale said at a Financial Times conference in 2023. “But the way we use data is differentiated.”

Despite being a finance executive with a penchant for analytics, Cardinale, like his friend Beane, doesn’t disregard the importance of winning on the field. In fact, he sees it as critical to his team’s business success. “On-the-field performance and off-the-field performance are a Venn diagram. They are critically important to each other,” Cardinale says. “That’s what 30 years of investing in sports has taught me, and I think it’s served us well.”
