

ALEXA MIKHAIL 2022-08-11

阿什顿·库彻(Ashton Kutcher)公开了他罕见的自身免疫性疾病。图片来源:NOAM GALAI—GETTY IMAGES

阿什顿·库彻(Ashton Kutcher)本周公开表示自己患有一种罕见的自身免疫性疾病。



——ashton kutcher (@aplusk) 2022年8月9日


西北大学范伯格医学院(Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine)风湿病学副教授阿尼莎·杜瓦(Anisha Dua)博士说,由于血管炎是一种罕见的疾病,它越来越难以诊断,因为它的症状有很多种。




克利夫兰诊所的神经学家阿巴斯·卡拉尔(Abbas Kharal)博士说:“最初自身免疫攻击的确切原因尚不清楚,但某些宿主和环境诱因被认为在激发自身免疫反应方面发挥了作用。”他补充说,与20年前相比,现在有更多的人在与自身免疫性疾病作斗争。



在《国家地理》(National Geographic)特别节目《走进好莱坞》(Access Hollywood)获得的独家剪辑中,库彻对贝尔·格里尔斯(Bear Grylls)说:“我失去了视力、听力和平衡能力。我花了一年的时间才完全康复。”







阿什顿·库彻(Ashton Kutcher)本周公开表示自己患有一种罕见的自身免疫性疾病。



——ashton kutcher (@aplusk) 2022年8月9日


西北大学范伯格医学院(Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine)风湿病学副教授阿尼莎·杜瓦(Anisha Dua)博士说,由于血管炎是一种罕见的疾病,它越来越难以诊断,因为它的症状有很多种。




克利夫兰诊所的神经学家阿巴斯·卡拉尔(Abbas Kharal)博士说:“最初自身免疫攻击的确切原因尚不清楚,但某些宿主和环境诱因被认为在激发自身免疫反应方面发挥了作用。”他补充说,与20年前相比,现在有更多的人在与自身免疫性疾病作斗争。



在《国家地理》(National Geographic)特别节目《走进好莱坞》(Access Hollywood)获得的独家剪辑中,库彻对贝尔·格里尔斯(Bear Grylls)说:“我失去了视力、听力和平衡能力。我花了一年的时间才完全康复。”







Ashton Kutcher opened up this week about having suffered from a rare autoimmune disease.

The renowned actor, who has been vocal about running his first marathon in N.Y.C. in the fall, tweeted late Monday evening that he experienced a rare vasculitis episode—an autoimmune flair up—three years ago: “I had some impairments,” he wrote, referring to hearing, vision, and balance issues. “I fully recovered.”

Before there are a bunch of rumors/ chatter/ whatever out there. Yes, I had a rare vasculitis episode 3yrs ago. (Autoimmune flair up) I had some impairments hear, vision, balance issues right after. I fully recovered. All good. Moving on. See you at the 2022 NY Marathon w/Thorn

— ashton kutcher (@aplusk) August 9, 2022

Vasculitis happens when blood vessels thicken, causing inflammation and restricting blood flow in various parts of the body. The immune system is basically attacking your own blood vessels. With decreased blood flow, bodily organs are at risk of being harmed. There are many different types of vasculitis, affecting different parts of the body, experts tell Fortune. Certain types of vasculitis can lead to aneurysms, or a rupture in a blood vessel. In certain cases left untreated, patients are at risk for brain stroke from inflamed blood vessels.

Because it’s a rare disease, vasculitis is increasingly hard to diagnose given that it can manifest in a variety of ways, says Dr. Anisha Dua, associate professor of medicine in rheumatology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.

And the cause of vasculitis is complex; age, genetics, medication reactions, and previous immune diseases may all play a role.

“I always think of it more like the perfect storm,” Dua says. “You may have a little bit of genetic predisposition. You may have other things that predispose you to the vasculitis, [your] history of autoimmunity in the family. But that’s not the same thing for every single person.”

Other environmental factors like dust and toxin exposures are being studied as contributing factors.

“The exact cause of the initial autoimmune attack is not well understood, however certain host and environmental triggers are thought to play a role in inciting the autoimmune reaction,” Dr. Abbas Kharal, a neurologist at the Cleveland Clinic, says. He adds that more people are struggling with an autoimmune disease now than two decades prior.

How do you treat vasculitis symptoms?

Complications from vasculitis include organ damage, blood clots, and vision loss. Loss of vision can be caused by giant cell arteritis (inflammation of the arteries), which blocks blood flow specifically to the head, and therefore, the pathways to your eyes.

“Knocked out my vision, knocked out my hearing, knocked out like all my equilibrium,” Kutcher told Bear Grylls in an exclusive clip obtained by “Access Hollywood” for a National Geographic special. “It took me like a year to like build it all back up.”

Some forms of vasculitis are more mild than others; treatment depends on the severity. Symptoms include skin rashes, joint pain, fever, fatigue, weight loss, and loss of appetite. More severe symptoms include weakness, shortness of breath, vision loss or organ failure, Dua says. Some forms might resolve independently, but if certain organs are involved, specialized treatment is needed.

A lot of treatments are meant to calm down the immune system, Dua says, manipulating it to stop attacking itself. Steroids can be used to help restore the immune system, for example, as well as a variety of other medications, depending on the situation.

“Cerebral vasculitis can be very challenging to diagnose and requires a team of experts in stroke and inflammation to appropriately diagnose and treat, therefore it is important to seek treatment at designated vasculitis centers for this,” Kharal says.

The disease can be isolating and misunderstood publicly, Dua says, which can lead people to feel confused over what it means for their quality of life. Being more open about talking with professionals is always a good first step.

“It can be really debilitating,” she says. “Having good sources of information and building some sort of support system is really important.”
