

王波非(Phil Wahba) 2021-11-01


然而幸运的是,美国烟草产品的销量已经连年急剧下跌,这只是一次小幅回升。美国联邦贸易委员会(Federal Trade Commission)于10月26日晚间发布报告称,2019年,批发与连锁零售的香烟销量为2029亿美元,去年则增至2037亿美元,增幅为0.4%。


今年7月,奥驰亚集团(Altria Group)的首席执行官比利·吉福德对投资方发言称:“据我们观察,在新冠疫情期间,消费者们日常抽烟的时机变多了,我们认为这是居家隔离引发的现象。”另外,在2020年,由于人们在旅行、汽油与娱乐方面的花销下降,“烟草使用场合”便有所增多。而且奥驰亚的财务总监表示,今年的趋势没有明显转变。鉴于酒类产品销量在2020年出现了全面暴增,我们可以猜测,烟草或许是人们应对新冠疫情所带来的压力与孤独感的其中一种手段。

但这并不意味着吸烟现象正在大范围复兴。据美国疾病控制中心(Centers for Disease Control)在2019年的估算,14%,即约七分之一的美国成年人是烟民,而2005年的烟民占比为20%,1965年则为43%。此外,香烟销售点也在不断减少。2014年,CVS零售药店停止销售香烟。随后,开市客(Costco Wholesale)、沃尔玛(Walmart)与大部分的山姆会员店(Sam's Club)也取消了香烟销售。

不久后,香烟制造商将面临更大的压力:沃博联(Walgreens Boots Alliance)的首席执行官罗兹·布鲁尔最近透露称,鉴于其主要竞品公司已经停售香烟七年,这家在美国坐拥1万家零售店的医药大头也可能计划放弃香烟销售。然而,如今大部分的便利店与一元店依然提供香烟出售。




然而幸运的是,美国烟草产品的销量已经连年急剧下跌,这只是一次小幅回升。美国联邦贸易委员会(Federal Trade Commission)于10月26日晚间发布报告称,2019年,批发与连锁零售的香烟销量为2029亿美元,去年则增至2037亿美元,增幅为0.4%。


今年7月,奥驰亚集团(Altria Group)的首席执行官比利·吉福德对投资方发言称:“据我们观察,在新冠疫情期间,消费者们日常抽烟的时机变多了,我们认为这是居家隔离引发的现象。”另外,在2020年,由于人们在旅行、汽油与娱乐方面的花销下降,“烟草使用场合”便有所增多。而且奥驰亚的财务总监表示,今年的趋势没有明显转变。鉴于酒类产品销量在2020年出现了全面暴增,我们可以猜测,烟草或许是人们应对新冠疫情所带来的压力与孤独感的其中一种手段。

但这并不意味着吸烟现象正在大范围复兴。据美国疾病控制中心(Centers for Disease Control)在2019年的估算,14%,即约七分之一的美国成年人是烟民,而2005年的烟民占比为20%,1965年则为43%。此外,香烟销售点也在不断减少。2014年,CVS零售药店停止销售香烟。随后,开市客(Costco Wholesale)、沃尔玛(Walmart)与大部分的山姆会员店(Sam's Club)也取消了香烟销售。

不久后,香烟制造商将面临更大的压力:沃博联(Walgreens Boots Alliance)的首席执行官罗兹·布鲁尔最近透露称,鉴于其主要竞品公司已经停售香烟七年,这家在美国坐拥1万家零售店的医药大头也可能计划放弃香烟销售。然而,如今大部分的便利店与一元店依然提供香烟出售。



Holy smokes! Americans lit up more cigarettes in 2020 than the year before in the product category's first sales increase in two decades.

Thankfully, however, it's a small uptick after years of sharp declines. In a report released late October 26, the Federal Trade Commission said that the number of cigarettes sold by wholesalers and retail chains had risen to 203.7 billion last year, from 202.9 billion in 2019, or a 0.4% increase.

While the FTC did not provide an explanation for the increase, tobacco companies themselves have ascribed some of the growth to people during the pandemic having more opportunity to steal a smoke.

"During the pandemic, we saw consumers add nicotine occasions to their day, which we believe was stay-at-home practices," Altria Group CEO Billy Gifford told investors in July. What's more, there were more "tobacco-use occasions" as individuals spent less on travel, gas and entertainment in 2020. And Altria's finance chief said the company is seeing more of the same trends this year. There could also be an element of coping with stress and isolation caused by the pandemic: after all liquor sales shot up in 2020.

That's not to say we are witnessing a large scale revival in smoking. The Centers for Disease Control estimated in 2019 that 14% of American adults, or roughly one in seven, were smokers, compared to 20% in 2005, and 43% in 1965. What's more, cigarettes continue to find fewer and fewer points of sale. In 2014, CVS pharmacy stopped carrying the products, as did Costco Wholesale, Walmart and the majority of Sam's Club stores later.

There could be more pressure on cigarette makers coming soon: Walgreens Boots Alliance CEO Roz Brewer recently hinted that the drugstore giant, with its 10,000 U.S. stores, might also ditch cigarettes, seven years after its main rival did. They do however remain widely available at convenience stores and dollar stores.

Long term, cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products remain imperiled. In April, the federal government said it would it would seek to ban all menthol cigarettes and flavored cigar products, something that could nonetheless take years to get enacted. But the threat is real to Big Tobacco: the FTC said that menthol flavored smokeless tobacco products comprised more than half of all sales revenues, 54.5%, while regular tobacco flavored products made up 43.4%., the first time it has provided this breakdown.
