

DECLAN HARTY 2021-10-04


美国道明尼资源公司(Dominion Energy)首席执行官罗伯特·布鲁周二表示,核能在推动美国脱碳的进程中将至关重要,不管核能可能面临多大的争议。

根据美国能源信息署(Energy Information Administration)的数据,煤炭和天然气等化石燃料发电量占到2020年美国总发电量的60%左右。相比之下,可再生能源和核能的发电量各占20%左右。

布鲁在财富全球可持续论坛(Fortune's Global Sustainability Forum)上表示,尽管核能的碳足迹与风能和太阳能相当,但其体量要小得多,而且具备几乎不间断发电的能力。随着美国考虑逐渐减少对化石燃料的依赖,核能有望成为未来美国能源网的关键组成部分。



盖洛普(Gallup)于2019年进行的一项调查发现,在是否支持使用核能的问题上,美国人的意见各占一半;然而,在过去的几年里,多达62%的受访者表示他们赞成使用核能。但由于日本福岛第一核电站(Fukushima Daiichi)的核泄漏等备受关注的事件,消费者、国会议员等对此一直持犹豫态度。

甚至就连前美国核管理委员会(Nuclear Regulatory Commission)主席格雷戈里·贾茨科也表示出担忧。2019年,贾茨科在《华盛顿邮报》的一篇专栏文章中写道:“在我担任核管理委员会主席快两年的时候,一场地震和海啸摧毁了日本的四个核反应堆。我花了几个月的时间向美国公众保证核能,特别是美国的核工业,是安全的。但那时,我自己也开始怀疑这些说法。”









美国道明尼资源公司(Dominion Energy)首席执行官罗伯特·布鲁周二表示,核能在推动美国脱碳的进程中将至关重要,不管核能可能面临多大的争议。

根据美国能源信息署(Energy Information Administration)的数据,煤炭和天然气等化石燃料发电量占到2020年美国总发电量的60%左右。相比之下,可再生能源和核能的发电量各占20%左右。

布鲁在财富全球可持续论坛(Fortune's Global Sustainability Forum)上表示,尽管核能的碳足迹与风能和太阳能相当,但其体量要小得多,而且具备几乎不间断发电的能力。随着美国考虑逐渐减少对化石燃料的依赖,核能有望成为未来美国能源网的关键组成部分。



盖洛普(Gallup)于2019年进行的一项调查发现,在是否支持使用核能的问题上,美国人的意见各占一半;然而,在过去的几年里,多达62%的受访者表示他们赞成使用核能。但由于日本福岛第一核电站(Fukushima Daiichi)的核泄漏等备受关注的事件,消费者、国会议员等对此一直持犹豫态度。

甚至就连前美国核管理委员会(Nuclear Regulatory Commission)主席格雷戈里·贾茨科也表示出担忧。2019年,贾茨科在《华盛顿邮报》的一篇专栏文章中写道:“在我担任核管理委员会主席快两年的时候,一场地震和海啸摧毁了日本的四个核反应堆。我花了几个月的时间向美国公众保证核能,特别是美国的核工业,是安全的。但那时,我自己也开始怀疑这些说法。”








As energy companies work to cut carbon emissions, some are turning to nuclear power.

Nuclear energy will be crucial in the push to decarbonize the U.S.—no matter how controversial it may be—Dominion Energy CEO Robert Blue said Tuesday.

In the U.S., fossil fuels like coal and natural gas accounted for about 60% of the electricity that was generated in 2020, according to the Energy Information Administration. Renewables and nuclear power, by comparison, each represented about 20%.

Yet, with a carbon footprint on par with wind and solar, a far smaller physical footprint, and the ability to be generated at a near-nonstop rate, nuclear power stands to represent a key component in the energy grid in the coming years as the U.S. looks to cut down its reliance on fossil fuels, Blue said during Fortune's Global Sustainability Forum.

"There's only one source of round-the-clock, carbon-free electricity that exists today, and it's nuclear," Blue said.

Nuclear energy has been a source of tension for about as long as it has been a source of electricity.

A survey conducted by Gallup in 2019 found that Americans are evenly split on whether they favor the use of nuclear energy; however, in years past, as much as 62% of people surveyed have expressed they are in favor of its use. But with high-profile incidents like the nuclear meltdown at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, consumers, lawmakers, and the like have had a long-standing hesitancy about it.

Even former Nuclear Regulatory Commission Chairman Gregory Jaczko has raised concerns: "Two years into my term, an earthquake and tsunami destroyed four nuclear reactors in Japan. I spent months reassuring the American public that nuclear energy, and the U.S. nuclear industry in particular, was safe," Jaczko wrote in an op-ed for The Washington Post in 2019. "But by then, I was starting to doubt those claims myself."

The infrastructure beneath the nuclear power grid has been known to be aging for years. The average age of the 94 commercial nuclear reactors that were in operation at the end of 2020, for instance, was 39 years old, according to the Energy Information Administration. And only one new reactor has been built since 1996.

President Joe Biden's administration has acknowledged that nuclear will play a role in the White House's efforts to cut down on carbon emissions. In May, Gina McCarthy, the White House national climate adviser, said "existing nuclear, as long as it's environmentally sound and it's permitted, is going to be absolutely essential," according to Reuters. U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm is not worried, either. Speaking at Fortune's Global Sustainability Forum, Granholm reiterated that "nuclear is safe" and that the U.S. has a "gold standard" of regulation around it.

Dominion operates four nuclear stations today that are currently licensed to run until the mid-2030s, said Blue, who also expressed an interest in developments around small modular reactors. These so-called SMRs, which offer more flexibility than larger nuclear plants and distinct security measures, have been heralded by the Energy Department as a "key part" of its goal to develop an affordable and safe nuclear power option. Nonetheless, Dominion is still looking to extend its nuclear plants' lifecycles by another 20 years as it views nuclear as critical to its ambitious $72 billion push to decarbonize by 2035.

Currently, Dominion generates about 10% of the electricity used by its customers from coal, which Blue says is down from more than half in 2005. Another 45% comes from natural gas today, while the remaining 45% is generated by a mix of zero-carbon sources, including nuclear, hydro, and other renewable energy sources. But Dominion wants to slash its use of coal even further to around 1% in the next 15 years, while placing an even greater emphasis on those less carbon intensive sources like nuclear, Blue said.

"For our company, nuclear has been in that mix the entire time," Blue said. "And we expect it's going to have to be for us to meet [our] climate goals."
