

黎克腾(Clifton Leaf) 2020-09-19

作为凯撒医疗集团(Kaiser Permanente)有名的前首席执行官,于去年11月逝世、年仅60岁的伯纳德·泰森,是他那一代人中最有影响力的医疗管理者之一。他的突然离去,让许多人认为,由他倡导的重要改革,即关注人类健康的社会决定因素,也将因此停止。幸运的是,并没有如此。他的遗孀丹尼斯·布拉德利·泰森和美国心脏协会(American Heart Association)联合成立了一项基金,且资金充足,由此,伯纳德·泰森的工作成果和理念得以流传。

9月16日上午,布拉德利·泰森和美国心脏协会宣布,伯纳德·J·泰森影响力基金(Bernard J. Tyson Impact Fund)将进行10项新投资,这些投资都是基于泰森在担任凯撒医疗集团首席执行官时,提倡的社区强化理念和计划。得益于生前支持泰森理念的、一些富有且具有影响力的捐赠人的资助,这些投资颇具经济实力。琳恩·贝尼奥夫和马克·贝尼奥夫已经向该基金捐赠了100万美元,纽约慈善家伊丽莎白·埃尔廷和迈克尔·伯兰特的基金会同样捐赠了100万美元。亚马逊的首席执行官杰夫·贝佐斯也捐了一笔巨款,不过具体数额尚未披露。





同样,该基金还投资了东北医疗中心(North East Medical Services),这是旧金山的一家大型社区卫生中心,其重点关注于低收入的亚洲移民社区。在提供医疗服务时,他们也是说患者的母语。

部分投资对象则专注于为缺医少药、资源匮乏的社区提供经济适用房。其中包括总部位于纽约的非营利组织New Destiny Housing Corporation,以及位于湾区的阿拉米达县西班牙语统一委员会(统一委员会)。其余投资对象,则是一些由少数族裔创建和/或领导的组织,其重心放在纽约或北加州的当地社区,致力于更多地为他们提供营养食品、推广塑造家庭财务韧性的方法,或提供心理医疗服务。


除了传播人类健康理念的使命外,伯纳德·J·泰森影响力基金还在探索创新的社会影响力投资方式。“从某种意义上说,我们资助ConsejoSano的方式实际上很有趣,因为这是我们首次发行可转换债券。” 基金总经理雷蒙德·古思里表示,“所以它一开始是一笔拨款,但后来又混合了一张可转换债券,可转债会以我们建议的指标为衡量标准,对他们所产生的影响力进行转换。最后,如果它们确实达到了某些影响力指标,那么这部分股权事实上会转化为创始人所有。”


作为凯撒医疗集团(Kaiser Permanente)有名的前首席执行官,于去年11月逝世、年仅60岁的伯纳德·泰森,是他那一代人中最有影响力的医疗管理者之一。他的突然离去,让许多人认为,由他倡导的重要改革,即关注人类健康的社会决定因素,也将因此停止。幸运的是,并没有如此。他的遗孀丹尼斯·布拉德利·泰森和美国心脏协会(American Heart Association)联合成立了一项基金,且资金充足,由此,伯纳德·泰森的工作成果和理念得以流传。

9月16日上午,布拉德利·泰森和美国心脏协会宣布,伯纳德·J·泰森影响力基金(Bernard J. Tyson Impact Fund)将进行10项新投资,这些投资都是基于泰森在担任凯撒医疗集团首席执行官时,提倡的社区强化理念和计划。得益于生前支持泰森理念的、一些富有且具有影响力的捐赠人的资助,这些投资颇具经济实力。琳恩·贝尼奥夫和马克·贝尼奥夫已经向该基金捐赠了100万美元,纽约慈善家伊丽莎白·埃尔廷和迈克尔·伯兰特的基金会同样捐赠了100万美元。亚马逊的首席执行官杰夫·贝佐斯也捐了一笔巨款,不过具体数额尚未披露。





同样,该基金还投资了东北医疗中心(North East Medical Services),这是旧金山的一家大型社区卫生中心,其重点关注于低收入的亚洲移民社区。在提供医疗服务时,他们也是说患者的母语。

部分投资对象则专注于为缺医少药、资源匮乏的社区提供经济适用房。其中包括总部位于纽约的非营利组织New Destiny Housing Corporation,以及位于湾区的阿拉米达县西班牙语统一委员会(统一委员会)。其余投资对象,则是一些由少数族裔创建和/或领导的组织,其重心放在纽约或北加州的当地社区,致力于更多地为他们提供营养食品、推广塑造家庭财务韧性的方法,或提供心理医疗服务。


除了传播人类健康理念的使命外,伯纳德·J·泰森影响力基金还在探索创新的社会影响力投资方式。“从某种意义上说,我们资助ConsejoSano的方式实际上很有趣,因为这是我们首次发行可转换债券。” 基金总经理雷蒙德·古思里表示,“所以它一开始是一笔拨款,但后来又混合了一张可转换债券,可转债会以我们建议的指标为衡量标准,对他们所产生的影响力进行转换。最后,如果它们确实达到了某些影响力指标,那么这部分股权事实上会转化为创始人所有。”


Bernard Tyson, the celebrated former CEO of Kaiser Permanente who passed this past November, was one of the most influential health care leaders of his generation. His sudden death, at the age of 60, left many with the sense that his important crusade—championing the central value of social determinants in human health—would stop as well. Happily, it won’t. Thanks to a new, substantially funded initiative led by his widow, Denise Bradley-Tyson, and the American Heart Association, Bernard Tyson’s work and message have been given an afterlife.

September 16 morning, Bradley-Tyson and the AHA are announcing 10 new investments by the Bernard J. Tyson Impact Fund that build on the kind of community-strengthening ideas and programs that Tyson promoted as Kaiser Permanente’s CEO. And these investments have some real financial muscle, thanks to a few well-heeled and influential donors who supported Tyson’s efforts when he was alive. Lynne and Marc Benioff have given $1 million to help anchor the fund, as has the foundation of New York philanthropists Elizabeth Elting and Michael Burlant. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has also made a significant donation, though the amount has not been disclosed.

“Bernard was a man on a mission during his time on earth,” says his widow, Bradley-Tyson, who serves as chairman of the executive committee for the fund. “To continue to serve that mission, we have to focus, as he said, on measurable sustainable outcomes.”

Fundamental to the Tyson health care model is simply making sure that people have access to care—and the challenge and urgency of that tenet has been made clear, unfortunately, by COVID, which has disproportionately sickened and killed people of color in the U.S.

There are a number of explanations (or theories) for this—but one widely acknowledged reason is a medical concept called “acute on chronic”: when a person already has a long-standing health condition such as hypertension or diabetes—which are far more prevalent in minority populations in America—they are much more likely to suffer serious consequences from an acute infection.

The Bernard J. Tyson Impact Fund hopes to tackle this problem head-on with its inaugural class of “investees” in the Oakland/San Francisco region. Among the Bay Area businesses being supported with financing are ConsejoSano, a for-profit social enterprise that works to improve health outcomes for culturally diverse populations by embracing that diversity, not ignoring it. For starters, that means giving care to patients in their spoken language—including through text messages that encourage people to come in for routine care and health screenings.

On the same front, the fund is also investing in North East Medical Services, a large community health center in San Francisco that focuses on low-income Asian immigrant communities and likewise delivers care in the language of its patients.

Additional investees focus on giving people in underserved and under-resourced communities access to affordable housing. Those include the New York–based nonprofit New Destiny Housing Corporation, and in the Bay Area, Spanish Speaking Unity Council of Alameda County, Inc. (Unity Council). Still other financing recipients, all of which are minority-owned and/or led, focus on providing local communities, either in New York or in Northern California, with better access to nutritious food, with tools to build their financial resiliency, or access to mental-health-care services.

All of these themes were woven into Bernard Tyson’s holistic vision of human health. It was nearly impossible for a person to be physically, mentally, and emotionally well, he believed, if they were living in surroundings of violence, had little access to healthy foods, or had no roof over their head. Frighteningly, those descriptions apply to the environment in which some 15% of the U.S. population lives. An estimated 50 million people in the U.S. are at higher risk for cardiovascular disease because they lack necessities such as healthy food, a clean and safe environment, quality education, and housing, according to the American Heart Association, where Tyson long served on the national board of directors.

Beyond its mission to spread this understanding of human health, the Bernard J. Tyson Impact Fund is also exploring innovative ways to invest for social impact. “The way we’re supporting ConsejoSano is actually interesting in the sense that this is the first time we’re doing a convertible note,” says Raymond Guthrie, the fund’s managing director. “So it starts as a grant, but then it’s mixed with a convertible note that converts based on how much impact they’re creating, measured on metrics that we advise. And then, at the end, if they do hit certain impact metrics, that equity actually converts for the founders.”

A core tenet of the fund, Guthrie says, is that it should be regenerative capital, meaning that its aim is to generate more returns for the community, not extract those returns. “A lot of impact funds are actually buying companies,” says Guthrie, “and we want to create more equity for these great entrepreneurs while also driving more impact.”
