

Jessica Mathews 2024-01-18







至少有一家AI创业公司会拉来许多融资,而投资者甚至没有意识到,这家公司连一个真人也没有,创始人自己也是一个机器人。——伊万·加维里亚,Gunderson Dettmer公司合伙人

2024年将是生成式AI市场大洗牌的一年。随着AI技术身上的新奇光环渐渐消退,游资也逐步退场,一些曾经靠几百上千倍市盈率融资的早期技术采用者可能会破产,或者以极低的估值被其他企业收购,只有少数真正找到适合市场的产品的少数企业才会成为新的垄断者。——佩加·易卜拉希米,FPV Ventures公司联合创始人及管理合伙人

由于过度炒作对AI的预期,加上2023年无节制的AI预算,2024年各大AI企业可能会出现一些重大变动,一些公司可能会削减AI的实验预算。在这些AI公司努力寻找商业模式,包括定价模式和市场深度应用的过程中,很多公司可能会出现增长停滞,而且这个过程也是极为烧钱的。这些公司要想继续繁荣成长,就必须找到可量化的投资回报案例,并且与现有的工作流进行深度整合。——凯茜·高,Sapphire Ventures合伙人


AI相关公司仍然是我们2024年将看到的一大主题。——亚伦·雅各布森, NEA公司合伙人

2024年,很多热门的AI初创公司将感到受一股寒意,风投们会变得谨慎起来,会考虑生成式AI市场上到底能够有几个赢家,也有可能会从一些烧钱的初创公司撤资。——克里斯·梅廷科,《Crunchbase News》高级记者



多数年轻人以后都会有至少一个AI好友。现在很多年轻人都有在Discord、推特(Twitter)、Twitch和Roblox等社交平台上认识的网友,他们可能彼此从未见过面。但是人们和AI好友保持友情的几率是更高的,因为AI好友会迎合每个人的特定爱好和情感。这种关系可能主要是通过文字来交流的,但是未来也可能逐步发展到语音和视频交流。——琳赛·李,Bessemer Venture Partners公司投资人



有人说AI是终结人类的“银色子弹”,会颠覆一切工作流程,这种传言并不会成为现实。生成式AI确实擅长许多事情,例如数据聚合、分析,并从这些数据中产生新的见解等等。大量现有的数字化企业提供了AI技术繁荣发展所需的基础设施,而一些流程也可以借助AI变得更加高效。但是在其他很多场景中生成式AI是否有用,则仍然需要证据来证明。——西蒙·吴,Cathay Innovation公司合伙人

许多人将会意识到,在AI今天能够做的事情和我们希望它在未来能够做的事情之间,仍然存在着很大的技术差距。——鲍勃·吕克特,Sorenson Capital公司合伙人


大型语言模型(LLM)将朝小而精的方向发展。聚焦特定领域的LLM将在较小的数据集上进行训练,其表现也会优于通用型LLM。另外,液态神经网络等新兴技术还可以通过提取任务和丢弃与任务无关的信息,动态调整模型的大小,从而为深度学习技术解锁一些令人兴奋的使用场景。比如在制造业中,很多工业现场设备缺乏运行复杂的机器学习模型的处理能力,但我们能够在此类设备上运行较小的模型,从而为边缘计算释放新能力。——鲁迪纳·瑟瑟利,Glasswing Ventures公司创始人及管理合伙人


对于像ChatGPT这样的基础模型提供商来说,它们的企业AI产品和股东价值有可能受到市场上的开源模型的挑战,从而导致市场出现结构性的变化。现有的企业股东价值可能会遭到破坏,但消费者获得的价值将是可观的。——理查德·杜鲁德,Underscore VC公司联合创始人及合伙人


生成式AI将使社交平台再次社交化。现在的大型社交平台实际上已经变成了娱乐平台,社交互动的属性则被削弱了,而讽刺的是,AI却可以改变这一切。就算你不是一个专业的画家或者歌手,你也能够充分地展示自己。任何人只要有了一个创意,都可以借助生成式AI来实现它。这种轻松创作的能力将鼓励人们更多地表现自我,跟别人讲更多的故事,进行更多的互动,从而为下一代社交平台的诞生播下种子。“我在想什么”会轻松地变成“看看我创作了什么”。——阿什利·伦德斯特罗姆,EQT Ventures公司合伙人

AI的兴起对算力、存储空间和能源都提出了巨大需求,2024年,我预计数据中心领域会发生更多的创新,企业的网络效率和对替代能源的使用率或将进一步提高,另外也有可能找到更好的冷却方式,来冷却GPU产生的巨大热量。——艾琳·普莱斯-怀特,Index Ventures合伙人


随着核心神经网络架构的学习能力不断演进,市场出现了Open AI这样的转型者和主导者,虽然Open AI很快将发布GPT5,但GPT5在特定性能标准上很可能会被一些刚进入市场的“黑马”超越。这些黑马拥有更高效的架构,更好的多模态能力,更强的环境理解力和迁移学习能力。这些新模型是在一系列空间网络、图形架构和对各种神经网络组合的新兴研究基础上构建的,能够带来更高效、更通用和更强大的功能。——伊森·巴特拉斯基,Venrock公司合伙人

我们听过很多关于各方角力争夺AI市场领导权的故事,不过现在真正沉睡的巨人是Meta。Meta的生成式AI能力是有海量的照片、视频和文字等数据支撑的,因此它很有可能在AI竞赛中后来居上,超越谷歌(Google)和Open AI。而且他们还了解人类是如何真正地进行互动的,他们还能够以现有的全球性社交平台作为跳板,让AI技术真正改变人们的日常生活,将AI带入任何人们想象得到的时刻。Meta恰好处在一个最适合AI技术传播的位置,有能力让AI无缝融入到每个家庭中。——艾利克斯·贝克曼,On Platform公司创始人及首席执行官

谷歌、Meta和微软的收入将会继续增长,但五年后,它们的员工人数将减少10%左右,因为AI带来的生产率提高会导致行业内卷,影响增长,并导致一些支持、营销、开发和管理岗位被优化掉。与此同时,营收增长的放缓也会促使这些企业想方设法提高运营支出的效率。——马克·谢尔曼,Telstra Ventures公司管理合伙人

亚马逊(Amazon)将推出AI搜索功能。生成式 AI已经掀起了在线搜索领域的一场革命——例如ChatGPT和微软的Bing。Amazon.com已经成为全网最大的搜索引擎之一,它目前是美国流量第五高的网站,也可以说是美国人默认的电商搜索引擎。预计亚马逊很快就将把生成式AI功能整合到搜索栏中,到时消费者在亚马逊上不仅能够购物,还可以随时问它一些日常生活中遇到的问题。——鲍博·马,WIND Ventures公司投资经理


生成型AI技术将被武器化,它可能会被用于在美国总统大选期间制造虚假信息,因此监管部门必须在充分了解问题之前采取行动。目前AI领域的立法总是滞后于技术的发展,因此也可以说在很大程度上是低效的。——格拉罕姆·布鲁克斯,406 Ventures公司合伙人

三分之一以上的美国人会因为害怕枪支暴力而避免去某个地方。同理,我们将会看到,那些成功利用AI技术让我们的生活变得更方便、更安全,同时重视公众利益的公司,将与其他公司出现显著的发展差距。——彼得·乔治,Evolv Technology公司CEO


肯定会有政府禁止人们用AI助理在法庭上为自己辩护。——詹姆斯·克拉夫,Robin AI公司联合创始人及首席技术官(财富中文网)







至少有一家AI创业公司会拉来许多融资,而投资者甚至没有意识到,这家公司连一个真人也没有,创始人自己也是一个机器人。——伊万·加维里亚,Gunderson Dettmer公司合伙人

2024年将是生成式AI市场大洗牌的一年。随着AI技术身上的新奇光环渐渐消退,游资也逐步退场,一些曾经靠几百上千倍市盈率融资的早期技术采用者可能会破产,或者以极低的估值被其他企业收购,只有少数真正找到适合市场的产品的少数企业才会成为新的垄断者。——佩加·易卜拉希米,FPV Ventures公司联合创始人及管理合伙人

由于过度炒作对AI的预期,加上2023年无节制的AI预算,2024年各大AI企业可能会出现一些重大变动,一些公司可能会削减AI的实验预算。在这些AI公司努力寻找商业模式,包括定价模式和市场深度应用的过程中,很多公司可能会出现增长停滞,而且这个过程也是极为烧钱的。这些公司要想继续繁荣成长,就必须找到可量化的投资回报案例,并且与现有的工作流进行深度整合。——凯茜·高,Sapphire Ventures合伙人


AI相关公司仍然是我们2024年将看到的一大主题。——亚伦·雅各布森, NEA公司合伙人

2024年,很多热门的AI初创公司将感到受一股寒意,风投们会变得谨慎起来,会考虑生成式AI市场上到底能够有几个赢家,也有可能会从一些烧钱的初创公司撤资。——克里斯·梅廷科,《Crunchbase News》高级记者



多数年轻人以后都会有至少一个AI好友。现在很多年轻人都有在Discord、推特(Twitter)、Twitch和Roblox等社交平台上认识的网友,他们可能彼此从未见过面。但是人们和AI好友保持友情的几率是更高的,因为AI好友会迎合每个人的特定爱好和情感。这种关系可能主要是通过文字来交流的,但是未来也可能逐步发展到语音和视频交流。——琳赛·李,Bessemer Venture Partners公司投资人



有人说AI是终结人类的“银色子弹”,会颠覆一切工作流程,这种传言并不会成为现实。生成式AI确实擅长许多事情,例如数据聚合、分析,并从这些数据中产生新的见解等等。大量现有的数字化企业提供了AI技术繁荣发展所需的基础设施,而一些流程也可以借助AI变得更加高效。但是在其他很多场景中生成式AI是否有用,则仍然需要证据来证明。——西蒙·吴,Cathay Innovation公司合伙人

许多人将会意识到,在AI今天能够做的事情和我们希望它在未来能够做的事情之间,仍然存在着很大的技术差距。——鲍勃·吕克特,Sorenson Capital公司合伙人


大型语言模型(LLM)将朝小而精的方向发展。聚焦特定领域的LLM将在较小的数据集上进行训练,其表现也会优于通用型LLM。另外,液态神经网络等新兴技术还可以通过提取任务和丢弃与任务无关的信息,动态调整模型的大小,从而为深度学习技术解锁一些令人兴奋的使用场景。比如在制造业中,很多工业现场设备缺乏运行复杂的机器学习模型的处理能力,但我们能够在此类设备上运行较小的模型,从而为边缘计算释放新能力。——鲁迪纳·瑟瑟利,Glasswing Ventures公司创始人及管理合伙人


对于像ChatGPT这样的基础模型提供商来说,它们的企业AI产品和股东价值有可能受到市场上的开源模型的挑战,从而导致市场出现结构性的变化。现有的企业股东价值可能会遭到破坏,但消费者获得的价值将是可观的。——理查德·杜鲁德,Underscore VC公司联合创始人及合伙人


生成式AI将使社交平台再次社交化。现在的大型社交平台实际上已经变成了娱乐平台,社交互动的属性则被削弱了,而讽刺的是,AI却可以改变这一切。就算你不是一个专业的画家或者歌手,你也能够充分地展示自己。任何人只要有了一个创意,都可以借助生成式AI来实现它。这种轻松创作的能力将鼓励人们更多地表现自我,跟别人讲更多的故事,进行更多的互动,从而为下一代社交平台的诞生播下种子。“我在想什么”会轻松地变成“看看我创作了什么”。——阿什利·伦德斯特罗姆,EQT Ventures公司合伙人

AI的兴起对算力、存储空间和能源都提出了巨大需求,2024年,我预计数据中心领域会发生更多的创新,企业的网络效率和对替代能源的使用率或将进一步提高,另外也有可能找到更好的冷却方式,来冷却GPU产生的巨大热量。——艾琳·普莱斯-怀特,Index Ventures合伙人


随着核心神经网络架构的学习能力不断演进,市场出现了Open AI这样的转型者和主导者,虽然Open AI很快将发布GPT5,但GPT5在特定性能标准上很可能会被一些刚进入市场的“黑马”超越。这些黑马拥有更高效的架构,更好的多模态能力,更强的环境理解力和迁移学习能力。这些新模型是在一系列空间网络、图形架构和对各种神经网络组合的新兴研究基础上构建的,能够带来更高效、更通用和更强大的功能。——伊森·巴特拉斯基,Venrock公司合伙人

我们听过很多关于各方角力争夺AI市场领导权的故事,不过现在真正沉睡的巨人是Meta。Meta的生成式AI能力是有海量的照片、视频和文字等数据支撑的,因此它很有可能在AI竞赛中后来居上,超越谷歌(Google)和Open AI。而且他们还了解人类是如何真正地进行互动的,他们还能够以现有的全球性社交平台作为跳板,让AI技术真正改变人们的日常生活,将AI带入任何人们想象得到的时刻。Meta恰好处在一个最适合AI技术传播的位置,有能力让AI无缝融入到每个家庭中。——艾利克斯·贝克曼,On Platform公司创始人及首席执行官

谷歌、Meta和微软的收入将会继续增长,但五年后,它们的员工人数将减少10%左右,因为AI带来的生产率提高会导致行业内卷,影响增长,并导致一些支持、营销、开发和管理岗位被优化掉。与此同时,营收增长的放缓也会促使这些企业想方设法提高运营支出的效率。——马克·谢尔曼,Telstra Ventures公司管理合伙人

亚马逊(Amazon)将推出AI搜索功能。生成式 AI已经掀起了在线搜索领域的一场革命——例如ChatGPT和微软的Bing。Amazon.com已经成为全网最大的搜索引擎之一,它目前是美国流量第五高的网站,也可以说是美国人默认的电商搜索引擎。预计亚马逊很快就将把生成式AI功能整合到搜索栏中,到时消费者在亚马逊上不仅能够购物,还可以随时问它一些日常生活中遇到的问题。——鲍博·马,WIND Ventures公司投资经理


生成型AI技术将被武器化,它可能会被用于在美国总统大选期间制造虚假信息,因此监管部门必须在充分了解问题之前采取行动。目前AI领域的立法总是滞后于技术的发展,因此也可以说在很大程度上是低效的。——格拉罕姆·布鲁克斯,406 Ventures公司合伙人

三分之一以上的美国人会因为害怕枪支暴力而避免去某个地方。同理,我们将会看到,那些成功利用AI技术让我们的生活变得更方便、更安全,同时重视公众利益的公司,将与其他公司出现显著的发展差距。——彼得·乔治,Evolv Technology公司CEO


肯定会有政府禁止人们用AI助理在法庭上为自己辩护。——詹姆斯·克拉夫,Robin AI公司联合创始人及首席技术官(财富中文网)


In a longstanding tradition, we ask readers to weigh in on what the new year will bring for the private markets. In today’s edition features a collection of predictions readers made on artificial intelligence.

Is there too much hype around artificial intelligence? Or not enough?

Here’s what you had to say.

Note: Many answers have been shortened for clarity and/or brevity. The deals section will be back next week!

Funding: The Gen AI reckoning

At least one AI startup will raise a substantial round of financing before the investors realize that the company contains no actual humans and the founder is a bot. —Ivan Gaviria, partner, Gunderson Dettmer

Next year will be a year of reckoning for Gen AI. As the novelty factor fades for tourist investors, early adopters who raised at hundreds or thousand times revenue multiples may go bankrupt or get acquired for fractions of their valuations, while the elusive few that find true product market fit will become the new monopolies. —Pegah Ebrahimi, cofounder and managing partner, FPV Ventures

Due to overhyped expectations and free-flowing AI budgets in 2023, we’ll see significant churn among AI companies in 2024 as companies pull back on AI experimental budgets. Many companies will see growth stall and cash burn increase as they figure out business models, including pricing, and deep product market fit use cases. The companies that will continue to grow and thrive will figure out measurable ROI cases and deeply embed into existing workflows. —Cathy Gao, Partner, Sapphire Ventures

2023 was year 1 of the current AI hype cycle and I expect it to continue for another 9 months or so. In every tech hype cycle – whether it’s mobile in 2009 or fintech in 2021 – there’s an initial period where there’s a flood of investment, FOMO, and everyone gets a huge valuation. But after a couple years, many of those companies don’t grow as fast as you’d hoped. Everything starts to feel busy and you feel disillusioned. —Immad Akhund, cofounder and CEO, Mercury

AI related companies are going to continue to be the bulk of what we see next year. —Aaron Jacobson, partner, NEA

2024 will get cold for many hot AI startups, with wary VCs questioning how many winners there will actually be in the generative AI market and pulling back investment to the cash-burning startups. —Chris Metinko, senior reporter, Crunchbase News

In 2024, over $200B will be spent powering AI infrastructure, as hyperscalers and upstarts alike continue their robust demand for AI compute. —James Luo, partner, CapitalG

Replacing people?

A majority of Gen Z will have at least a close or best friend that is AI-generated discussing quotidian content. Making internet friends from Discord, Twitter, Twitch, Roblox, etc. will have prepared the younger generation to maintain relationships with people they’ve never met face-to-face, and retention will be even higher with AI friends as these companions will cater to each person’s specific interests and emotions. These relationships will be predominantly text-based but will eventually evolve to include voice and potentially video in the future. —Lindsey Li, Investor, Bessemer Venture Partners

AI isn’t going to take away our jobs or control us, but people will need to start embracing automation. Personal AI agents will evolve and adapt, but instead of being an all-knowing intelligence, they will be tools that act as tireless assistants, relieving humans from tedious tasks. —Michael Stewart, partner, M12

Despite warnings that GenAI and other intelligent software will slowly—or not so slowly—take away jobs from human developers, the industry should instead expect to see more job listings for security professionals that require extensive background in developer roles. This is because as every vendor across the globe scrambles to bolster their security solutions to stand up against AI-based attacks, tried-and-true developers will become essential in carrying out strategies that ensure minimal-to-no vulnerabilities….The expected benefits of LLMs—e.g. being able to use natural vs. programming language—will not be enterprise-ready in the next 12 months, so companies need skilled developers to implement DevSecOps successfully. —Eyal Mamo, VP of engineering, Crowdstrike

The buzz about Gen AI being the silver bullet and disrupting every process as we know it will not materialize. Generative AI excels at many things, such as data aggregation, analysis, and spinning up new insights from such data. Plenty of existing digital businesses provide the infrastructure needed for AI to thrive, and thus some processes can be more efficient with AI. However, there will be plenty of use cases that still need evidence that GenAI will move the needle. —Simon Wu, partner, Cathay Innovation

Many will realize that there is still a technology gap between what AI can do today and what we hope it can do in the future. —Rob Rueckert, partner, Sorenson Capital

The next big thing?

Large Language Models will shrink. Domain specific models will be trained on smaller datasets and outperform general purpose LLMs. Similarly, emerging architectures that shrink the size of models, such as Liquid Neural Networks, which dynamically adjust the model size by distilling tasks and dropping irrelevant information, will unlock exciting, new deep learning use cases. For instance, in manufacturing, many devices on site lack the processing power to run sophisticated machine learning models but smaller models, that can run on such devices, will unlock new capabilities for edge computing. —Rudina Seseri, founder and managing partner, Glasswing Ventures

In 2024, expect a clearer distinction between authentic AI applications and tech superficially marketed as AI. The real measure of AI’s success will lie in its ability to address customer challenges and tackle core business issues. Platforms and applications that excel in these areas will win the market while solving business problems in ways that were previously impossible. —Megh Gautam, Chief Product Officer, Crunchbase

Enterprise AI moats—and shareholder value—for foundational model providers, like ChatGPT, will be challenged by open-source equivalents, beginning a tectonic shift in the market. The existing enterprise shareholder value will be destroyed, and the consumer value gained will be massive. —Richard Dulude, cofounder and partner, Underscore VC

In 2024, we’re going to see a shift in phases from AI toys (hype-first products that capitalize on the latest tech) to native AI products (products that utilize AI to solve long standing human needs in innovative ways). —Jacob Andreou, partner, Greylock

Generative AI will make social platforms social again. The big social platforms have become de facto entertainment platforms at the expense of actual social interaction, and ironically AI could change all this. You don’t have to be an expert painter, drawer, or singer to express yourself elegantly. Anyone can have a creative idea and use gen AI to bring it to life. This ease of creation will encourage more expression, more storytelling, and more interaction, seeding the next generation of social platforms. “Look what I made” is the new “what’s on my mind.” —Ashley Lundström, partner, EQT Ventures

The rise of AI has created a huge demand for computing power and storage space, not to mention energy. In 2024, I expect we’ll see more innovation taking place in data centers, with opportunities for companies that can improve networking efficiency, access alternative sources of power, and find better methods for cooling the immense heat generated by GPUs. —Erin Price-Wright, partner, Index Ventures

The big dogs

With the emerging learnings in core neural net architectures that led to the transformer and dominance by OpenAI, it is likely that their imminent release of GPT5 will be surpassed in specific performance benchmarks by a new dark horse market entrant, on the backs of more efficient architectures, improved multimodal capabilities, better contextual understanding of the world, and enhanced transfer learning. These new models will be built on emerging research in spatial networks, graph structures, and combinations of various NNs that will lead to more efficient, versatile, and powerful capabilities. —Ethan Batraski, partner, Venrock

We hear a lot about the players vying for leadership in AI, but the real sleeping giant is Meta. Meta’s generative AI capabilities, supported by its many billions of diverse social data points including photos, videos and text, will leapfrog Google and Open AI in the AI race. They understand how humans truly interact with each other, and by harnessing their global platform as a launchpad, Meta has the potential to revolutionize the landscape of everyday life, bringing AI into any imaginable moment. They are positioned perfectly to be at the forefront of widespread adoption, where AI seamlessly integrates into the very fabric of every household. —Alex Beckman, founder and CEO, On Platform

Google, Meta, and Microsoft will continue to grow revenues, but they will have roughly 10% fewer employees five years from now as AI productivity improvements cannibalize growth and absorb support, marketing, development, and administrative roles. At the same time, slowing revenue growth rates will drive campaigns to find operating expense efficiency. —Mark Sherman, managing partner, Telstra Ventures

Amazon will launch AI-powered search. Generative AI has revolutionized online search, such as through ChatGPT and Microsoft Bing. One of the biggest Internet search engines is Amazon.com, which is the 5th highest traffic website in the U.S., and arguably the default search for e-commerce in the U.S. Expect Amazon to integrate generative AI into its search bar soon, allowing shoppers to visit Amazon not only for shopping, but also for inspiration and get answers for the day-to-day. —Bob Ma, investment manager, WIND Ventures

Ethics and safety

Generative AI will be weaponized to drive misinformation around the U.S. election, forcing regulators to act before the problem is fully understood resulting in reactionary legislation that is constantly behind the state-of-the-art technology and largely ineffective. —Graham Brooks, partner, .406 Ventures

With more than 1 in 3 Americans having avoided going somewhere due to fear of gun violence, we’ll see a stark difference among the companies that have—and have not—successfully applied AI to making our lives easier and safer while prioritizing the needs of the public. —Peter George, CEO, Evolv Technology


At least one government will attempt to ban people from representing themselves in court with AI assistance. —James Clough, CTO and cofounder, Robin AI
