

财富杂志 2012-12-10


克里斯·詹纳T. Rowe Price Health Sciences基金

股票代码:(GILD, 财富500强)


    曾经当过医生的克里斯·詹纳从2000年开始管理炙手可热的T. Rowe Price Health Sciences基金。这只资产规模49亿美元的基金在过去10年实现年化收益率13.6%,显著高于同类基金的9.0%。詹纳开出的处方是:生物科技巨头吉利德科学,该基金的一只重仓股。吉利德(Gilead)曾因一款艾滋病药丸(日服一次)名声大噪。詹纳相信它的一款丙肝新药sofosbuvir应能重现这样的成功。相比当前标准疗法使用的干扰素,这款新药的治愈率更高,毒性更低。



Gilead Sciences

Kris Jenner T. Rowe Price Health Sciences

Ticker: (GILD, Fortune 500)

Sector pick: Health care

    Kris Jenner, a former doctor, has operated the white-hot T. Rowe Price Health Sciences Fund (PRHSX) since 2000. With $4.9 billion in assets, it has delivered an annualized 13.6% gain for the past decade, drubbing its peers' 9.0%. Jenner's prescription: shares of biotech giant Gilead Sciences, one of his fund's largest positions. Gilead made its mark with a once-a-day HIV pill, and Jenner thinks it can repeat that success with a new treatment for hepatitis C. Known as sofosbuvir, it has a higher cure rate with less toxicity than interferon, the standard treatment, he says.

    The market is huge: More than 4 million people have hepatitis C in the U.S. "The hepatitis C market will be in excess of $10 billion," says Jenner, "and we are at the dawn of that market." He believes Gilead's revenue could rise 16% a year through 2016, with earnings per share soaring 27% annually. At a recent $75, the shares aren't cheap -- they're up 84% since the beginning of 2012 and trade at 20 times this year's consensus forecast. Jenner advises waiting for a pullback before buying. But be patient. "In its peer group," he says, "it's going to be unrivaled in terms of its revenues and earnings growth."

