

Doron Levin 2019-11-24

成立一个多世纪以来,福特汽车公司已经生产了数百万辆汽车,其中不乏一些家喻户晓的车型,比如Model T、猎鹰(Falcon)、Fairlane、雷鸟(Thunderbird)、金牛座(Taurus)、蒙迪欧(Fusion)和F-150等等。但如果你要问福特旗下最独树一帜的车型,大部分人会毫不犹豫地回答:野马(Mustang)。

自从野马跑车在1964年的纽约世博会上亮相以来,它便以平价、强悍、既实用(居然还有后排座位)又不实用(功率高达760马力)的形象,迅速成为了美国人民心中速度与激情的象征。在今年的大热电影《惊奇队长》(Captain Marvel)中,主角有一次闪回到她的年轻时代,当时在机库旁边,就停着她的那辆大红色的第一代福特野马。


For more than a century, Ford Motor Co. has manufactured many millions of vehicles with names like Model T, Falcon, Fairlane, Thunderbird, Taurus, Fusion, and F-150. But ask anyone which brand stands apart from the rest, and you’ll get the same answer: Mustang.

Since its introduction at the 1964 New York World’s Fair, the sporty Mustang—affordable, powerful, as impractical (up to 760 horsepower!) as it is practical (it has a back seat!)—has developed into a pulse-quickening symbol of America’s particular obsession with the open road. Indeed, when the titular character in this year’s hit film Captain Marvel experiences a flashback to her younger days as a military pilot, she’s pictured outside the hangar beside her candy-apple-red, first-¬generation Ford Mustang.

But symbols don’t necessarily lead to sales, and the ’Stang—a two-door sports car in an age of four-door crossovers, a gasoline burner at the dawn of an electric age—has lately claimed more in the way of reputation than revenue. In the first nine months of 2019, Ford sold 55,365 Mustangs in the U.S., the model’s largest market. That’s down 10% from the same period last year, and about as many Mustangs sold in three quarters as Ford sells F Series trucks in three weeks.

福特全新野马Mach-E的前脸保持了家族式设计特征,只是弃用了老款的蜂巢式格栅——毕竟它不需要对内燃机引擎进行冷却。图片来源:PHOTOGRAPH BY MARVIN SHAOUNI


福特的答案是野马Mach-E,这即便对于福特这家全球第六大汽车厂商也是一场豪赌。除了我们熟悉的“飞马”标志,整台车上几乎很难找到与老款相似的地方。野马Mach-E的线条较老款更加流畅,延长了前引擎盖的长度,行李厢的长度则相应有所缩短,以适应四个车门的圆润造型。新野马依然采用后轮驱动。它标志性的大排量内燃机引擎也被一台安静的电机所取代。(不过为了提醒行人和符合美国监管机构的要求,福特将为它配备人工提醒音。)它的零售价预计在4万美元的区间上,还可以享受7500美元的联邦补贴。这个价格比27000美元的汽油款高出不少,不过面对时下大卖的特斯拉Model 3却是有实力一战的。它的续航里程约为300英里,也与Model 3不相上下。



Still, the Mustang remains the world’s bestselling sports coupe, and 10 million have sold since the first one rolled off the production line. So what do you do when the world isn’t terribly interested in buying sports coupes?

Enter the Mustang Mach-E, a gamble so great for the world’s sixth-largest automaker that the galloping horse on the vehicle’s grille is one of the few things in common with its predecessor. The Mustang’s slinky silhouette—long hood, short rear deck—has been altered to accommodate the bulbous curves of a four-door, albeit still rear-wheel-drive, utility vehicle. Its signature snarl, courtesy of the internal combustion engine, has been replaced by the subtle whine of a battery-powered electric motor. (Ford will add an artificial sound for the benefit of unwary pedestrians and U.S. regulators.) It’s expected to retail in the $40,000 range with a $7,500 federal rebate, a substantial premium over the $27,000 gasoline-¬powered base Mustang but competitive with electric-auto maker Tesla’s popular Model 3 sedan. Its range is approximately 300 miles, also on par with the Model 3.

To Mustang fans around the globe, the Mach-E is an extraordinary, arguably heretical revision of what it means to be a Mustang. “I’m not 100% convinced badging this car a Mustang is a good idea,” says Sam Abuelsamid, a Navigant mobility analyst and former Ford engineer. “Calling it a Mustang has the potential of polluting the brand, and I’m not certain the audience will go for it.”

But to its maker, the Mustang Mach-E—aimed squarely at the heart of the automotive market in 2020—retains the spirit of the original: (almost) affordable, powerful, and a little bit practical and impractical. It is an electrified embrace of where Ford believes the world is headed and a daring move to reimagine its best-known brand in the face of industrywide sales declines that have left no automaker untouched.





Fortune: What does the Mustang brand mean to you?

Bill Ford: My favorite of all time. And I own a lot of them—between 10 and 15.





No one asked Ford to mess with the Mustang. The automaker could have brought to market a far more utilitarian electric vehicle, given it a name that wasn’t already part of Americana, and positioned it to signal zero-¬emission virtue in the tradition of EV models such as the Nissan Leaf, BMW i3, or Chevy Bolt. The problem: All three of those models have struggled with uninspiring sales.

“Tesla taught the industry that doing a ‘compliance’ car”—built mainly to satisfy stringent pollution and fuel efficiency standards—“is a disaster,” says John McElroy, host of the news and analysis website Autoline. “If you’re going to make an electric, it better look great, have good range between charges, and be desirable. Then you have a chance to make a profit.”

Despite the mindshare that Tesla enjoys, the number of EVs on American roads remains relatively small, representing 1 million of the approximately 275 million passenger-registered vehicles. But with manufacturers under regulatory pressure at home and abroad to limit carbon emissions, the number of EVs sold each year is growing, both in the U.S. and overseas. Ford expects EV sales to grow to 1.5 million a year in the U.S. by 2025, comprising more than 100 different models.

野马Mach-E车型左前叶子板上方的充电接口。图片来源:PHOTOGRAPH BY MARVIN SHAOUNI

不过很多消费者对电动汽车仍持谨慎乐观态度。调查显示,大多数老百姓认为电动汽车的车速太慢,在极端天气下表现堪忧,而且充电时间太长——福特认为这些传言是“以讹传讹”。真到了要掏钱买车的时候,连行业观察人士对电动汽车也不是很有信心。比如《底特律新闻》(Detroit News)的汽车评论员亨利·佩恩曾经表示,他对新能源车型“毫无兴趣”——直到他自己买了一辆特斯拉Model 3才“真香”了一把。


福特对汽车电动化并不陌生。虽然丰田的普锐斯(Prius)才是油电混合动力的先行者,但福特也没有落后很多,它在2004年就推出了混动版的Escape SUV,以省油为主要卖点。当时人们普遍认为汽油价格太高了,美国国内的环保主义情绪也在抬头,而且石油的重要性也在一定程度上让阿拉伯产油国绑架了西方国家的外交政策。当时市面上的多数混动车型卖得都很不错,而且混动车型的驾驶感受与传统燃油车大同小异,因此比较容易被驾驶员接受。

Still, consumers remain cautious. Surveys show a majority of the public believes that EVs are too slow, perform poorly in extreme weather, and take too long to charge—persistent concerns that Ford classifies as “myths.” When their own income is involved, even industry observers are skeptical. Henry Payne, an automotive critic at the Detroit News, says he had “no interest” in environmentally friendly cars—until he bought a Tesla Model 3.

“Tesla positions the battery and motors low, meaning a low center of gravity—just what you’re looking for in a sports car,” Payne says, adding that the car’s software-oriented experience also appeals: “Everything works through the touch screen, and the over-the-air updates to the car are unbelievable—just like your smartphone.”

Ford isn’t exactly new to electrification and its associated tradeoffs. The company’s first entry into the gas-electric hybrid cate¬gory, which was pioneered by Toyota’s Prius, was the 2004 Escape SUV. The goal in those days was to save energy at a time when gasoline was considered costly, environmental activism was on the rise, and fossil fuels seemed to place Western foreign policy at the mercy of Arab oil producers. Most gas-electric hybrid models sold well; drivers liked that the technology felt like that of a conventional car.



Fortune: You’re Henry Ford’s great-grandson but also a longtime environmental advocate.

Ford: When I started at Ford in 1979, I was shocked at the lack of awareness among some people at the company. There was outright hostility to the discussion of environmental issues.



But battery electric vehicles—BEVs—are a far different proposition. The Mustang Mach-E will be Ford’s first to be built on an architecture designed specifically for a large lithium-ion battery and electric motors. (Ford previously rigged a small number of Focus sedans and Ranger pickups with batteries to develop the technology.) Much like the Model 3, the Mach-E’s battery—which weighs more than 1,200 pounds—sits wide, low, and long in the vehicle, establishing a low center of gravity and strengthening the car’s frame. Ford plans to use the same architecture for a Lincoln luxury model and other future EVs.

If Mustang fans are doubtful that an electric powertrain could adequately carry on the brand’s traditions, consider a key property of electric motors: instant, all-encompassing torque. Unlike gasoline engines, which have a “torque curve” requiring some runway to peak, electric motors immediately offer all the accelerating force they have to give—a characteristic that might appeal to any Mustang fan concerned about the Mach-E’s sprinting abilities.

内饰最显眼的部分就是这块巨大的中控屏,它能像特斯拉的中控屏一样,对车内各系统进行集成操作,并且能够向司机和乘客发出非常显眼的信号。这也表明了这款野马的与众不同。图片来源:PHOTOGRAPH BY MARVIN SHAOUNI



坎尼斯坦承,他的团队里里外外借鉴了很多特斯拉的设计元素。不过,野马Mach-E能否引发和特斯拉Model 3一样的热情?它能够打破Model 3的50万辆的预售纪录吗?这还是一个未知数。

“This Mustang will excite consumers,” says Ted Cannis, Ford’s global head of electrification. “It will beat a Porsche Macan”—the German automaker’s compact sport utility model—“off the line’’ thanks to a zero-to-60 mph time of about six seconds. (A future GT version with a second motor will manage the feat in 4.5 seconds.)

On top of that is a serious upgrade to the vehicle’s electronic architecture. The Mustang ¬Mach-E will be Ford’s first production vehicle to employ high-speed data connectivity, making possible a large, data-driven dashboard display and over-the-air software updates—just like Tesla’s.

Cannis candidly acknowledges that his team drew heavily from Tesla’s playbook, inside and out. But an open question remains: Can Ford stoke the same level of enthusiasm for the Mustang Mach-E that Tesla elicited with its Model 3 and its 500,000 advance reservations?



Fortune: And now the Mustang Mach-E.

Ford: I was against it initially. As we dug deeper, it didn’t seem like such a crazy idea. I told them: The performance numbers have to stand on their own. They were good, we weren’t giving up a lot of range, and the styling was compelling. That won me over.




福特的现任首席执行官韩恺特(Jim Hackett)曾任办公家具制造商Steelcase的首席执行官,此前曾任福特无人驾驶技术和未来交通业务发展部负责人。在2017年5月接替了马克·菲尔兹的位置后,韩恺特将分散在各个部门的电力化业务进行了整合。速度并不是韩恺特唯一担心的问题。由于担心公司最终会搞出一款平平无奇的电动车型,福特的常务副总裁吉姆·法利最终叫停了一个尚未命名的电动跨界车型计划,它本来有望成为福特的首款全电车型。现在,福特第一次进军全电领域,便带来了一个野马家族的成员,这越看越像是一个明智的选择。




作者:Doron Levin


Ford needs the Mustang Mach-E to succeed, if nothing more than to prove that its latest strategy works at a time when automakers worldwide are under duress. How bad, you ask? Global automotive sales declined last year for the first time since 2009, and forecasts predict substantial declines every year through 2021. The term “peak car” has been uttered.

A cloud of uncertainty already hangs over Dearborn. Ford shares have fallen 30% in the past year, to about $9, amid mediocre profitability. Moody’s, the credit ratings agency, downgraded the company’s creditworthiness to junk status. Meanwhile, analysts have expressed reservations about Ford’s latest restructuring as well as its plan to improve profitability, quarterbacked by CEO Jim Hackett.

Hackett, the former CEO of office-furniture maker Steelcase, earlier had served as Ford’s head of driverless vehicle technology and future mobility business development. Upon succeeding Mark Fields in May 2017, Hackett ordered a consolidation of electrification efforts, which had been distributed across various departments. Speed wasn’t his only concern. Ford brass fretted that the company’s EV development was progressing toward a mundane model, leading executive vice president Jim Farley to scrap an unnamed crossover slated to be Ford’s first electric vehicle. Approaching Ford’s entry into the all-electric category with a member of the Mustang family increasingly looked like an attractive option.

So the automaker quickly recalibrated. In fall 2017, Ford transferred more than a thousand employees working on electrification to “Team Edison,” a nod to the storied inventor and close friend of Henry Ford’s. Cannis, a 30-year company veteran, was named its leader. Months later, Bill Ford, the automaker’s executive chairman, unveiled a five-year, $11 billion electrification program that is expected to fund 20 new EV models and the build-out of a battery-charging network in the U.S.—reassurance, perhaps, for drivers concerned about charging an electric car.

Today Ford is halfway to its 2022 finish line. In the meantime, it’s happily accepting $500 deposits on the Mustang Mach-E with plans to begin rolling them off its assembly line in Cuautitlán, Mexico, next year. Will Ford’s wager on a reimagined Mustang pay off? And what of the company? Whatever the answer, it’s clear that the stakes couldn’t be higher.

A version of this article appears in the December 2019 issue of Fortune with the headline “Electric Horseman.”
