

Talia Goldfarb, Entrepreneur.com 2015-03-03

    3. 作为创业者的成长经历迟早是有用的



    许多人上《创智赢家》是为了借这15分钟出名,或是为了获得品牌曝光度,或者仅仅是觉得上电视很好玩。而我上这个节目只是出于纯粹的商业原因——让Myself Belts充分发挥它的潜能。与制片单位和同事准备并练习的过程中,我非常专心和务实。直到我站上舞台,被各位“鲨鱼”攻击的时候,我才记起这本质上是一场真人秀,付出的代价是大家要“娱乐”我。多么痛的领悟……同时我还要为我自己和我的企业辩护,从经营的角度阐述Myself Belts的发展潜力,想方设法吸引合伙人。我并没有充分做好应对这种情感冲击的准备,幸运的是,这番经历是值得的。最令人高兴的是,我们最终获得了戴蒙德•约翰这样一位优秀的合伙人。

    5. 耐心是一种美德。

    自从我根据自己的育儿经验创建了这家公司以来,Myself Belts已经走过了10年的历程。我已经了解了这个全新的行业,并且非常享受在零售界打拼的过程。不过有时在意识深处,我偶尔也会质疑企业的最终结局。我能把企业带到更高的水平吗?在这样艰难的经济环境下,企业最好的发展方向是什么?好在我一直很坚定,并且耐心地尝试从不同角度扩展品牌认知度。现在,《创智赢家》栏目又为Myself Belts注入了新的动力。我们又一次成为一家“新”公司,并被介绍给很多新客户。销量也达到了非常令人高兴的“新常态”。我们与戴蒙德•约翰的合作也为企业打开了新的一扇门,创造了新的销售机会。耐心终于收获回报。

    6. 我是一个圣路易斯人

    在《创智赢家》介绍自己时,我说:“我来自圣路易斯。”这句话从我嘴里说出来其实有点奇怪,因为我本人实际上来自罗德岛的普罗维登斯,我认为自己是一个在美国东海岸长大的女孩。但上《创智赢家》的经历改变了这一点。我的企业家之路始于圣路易斯。Myself Belts也是在这个城市诞生的。我也是在圣路易斯得到了导师和企业家组织的支持。无论是在上《创智赢家》之前还是之后,圣路易斯的那些朋友一直给予我全力支持。圣路易斯是一片创业热土,我对当地怀有感恩之情。那里就是我的家。(财富中文网)



    3. Entrepreneurial training comes in handy.

    Being an entrepreneur is a grind. You breathe your business every minute of the day, always trying to determine the correct next step to propel your business forward. When I was selected for Shark Tank, I truly couldn’t believe it that of 40,000 applicants they picked me. Crazy. Show preparation is intense. My belief in my product and my hopes for a positive outcome kept me moving forward. My decade as an entrepreneur prepared me, as I knew how to push through, stay optimistic, take one step at a time, trust my instincts and see the finish line. As a business owner, the finish line is always moving but it is the little victories that keep you going. Shark Tankreminded me to keep sight of the bigger goal.

    4. Shark Tank is a reality television show.

    Many go on Shark Tank for 15 minutes of fame, for brand exposure or for reality TV fun. I went on the show for sincere business reasons, to help Myself Belts reach its potential. As I prepared with producers and practiced with co-workers, I was focused and pragmatic. It wasn’t until I was standing on the set being attacked by viscous Sharks that I remembered I had agreed to go on a reality television show and that there would “entertainment” at my expense. It was a tough realization, as I defended myself and my business, stated the business case for Myself Belts and tried to gain a partner. I wasn’t fully prepared for how emotional this vulnerability would be, but luckily it was worth it. The happy ending was an amazing partnership with Daymond John.

    5. Patience is a virtue.

    Myself Belts launched 10 years ago after I created a business from a simple idea inspired by motherhood. I have learned a new industry and enjoyed finding my way in the world of retail. But after 10 years, in the back of my mind, I have occasionally questioned the end game. Could I take the business to another level? What was the best direction to move forward in a tough economy? I was steadfast and tried to be patient while trying different angles to increase brand awareness. Now, after our appearance on Shark Tank, there is a new energy to Myself Belts. We are “fresh” again and have been introduced to so many new customers. Sales are at a happy new “normal.” Our partnership with Daymond John is opening doors and creating new sales. Patience has paid off.

    6. I am a St. Louisan.

    When I introduced myself on Shark Tank, I said, “I am from St. Louis.” This was a strange sentence for me to say as I am from Providence, Rhode Island, and I consider myself an East Coast girl. Being on Shark Tank changed that for me. My entrepreneurial journey began in St. Louis. Myself Belts was born in the city. I found mentors and entrepreneurial organizations for support in St. Louis. The response from my home, the St. Louis community, before and after my Shark Tankairing, has been so overwhelming. St. Louis has been a great place to start and grow a business and I am grateful to the community. It is officially home.
