

Oil Patch Asia 2014-01-23


    印度石油天然气部部长维维克•雷在2014年第11届印度国际石油、天然气展览会(Petrotech 2014)场外活动中对媒体表示:“我们没有计划禁止任何人参与此次拍卖活动。决定权在内政部,而他们在这方面还没有告诉我们任何信息。”


    据印度英文日报The Hindu此前报道称,这位部长表示,为了吸引更多的勘探公司竞标印度油气勘探区块,他领导的印度石油天然气部正在为超深海勘探谋求十年免税优惠政策。



    《The Hindu》报道称:“据石油天然气部宣布,勘探公司将有机会查看这些区块的地质储量,而管理此次拍卖活动的政策将会在几周后发布。”

此文最初刊登在Oil Patch Asia网站。


    India’s Petroleum and Natural Gas Ministry doesn’t plan to bar Chinese companies from bidding in the upcoming auction of 46 oil and gas blocks.

    “We have no plan to ban anyone. It is for the Home Ministry to decide and they have not informed us anything on these lines,” Petroleum Secretary Vivek Rae told the media on sidelines of Petrotech 2014.

    “We want companies to find more oil and gas,” he said.

    The Secretary said that to attract more explorers to bid for acreages in India, his Ministry is seeking 10 years tax holiday for ultra deep water exploration, according to a report by The Hindu.

    Current tax holidaya are granted for seven years.

    The Government will auction 46 oil and gas blocks at the next bidding round. It said the date will be in early 2014.

    “According to the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas, the explorers would get a view of the geological reserves of the block, while the policy governing the auction would follow in a few weeks,” The Hindu reported.

This article originally appeared onOil Patch Asia.
