

Beth Kowitt 2013-12-26


    • 连锁餐厅:卡乐星

    • 你可别忘了甜点。经过为期4周的市场试验,这个巨型甜点从7月份开始限时供应。此举促使深夜电视节目主持人吉米•金梅尔打趣说,这家餐饮公司肯定正在读他的梦想日记。即使供应时间有限,你也不要绝望。卡乐星公司(Carl's Jr.)表示,它完全有机会重返菜单。这个想法最初来自该连锁餐厅使用过量奥利奥饼干制作的手舀冰淇淋三明治。卡乐星公司的员工随后开始在超市过道中为其冰淇淋寻找下一个“载体”。




    Hand-Scooped Strawberry Pop-Tart Ice Cream Sandwich

    • Chain: Carl's Jr.

    You can't forget dessert. After a four-week market test, this mega-sweet treat launched in July as a limited time offer. The move inspired late-night TV host Jimmy Kimmel to quip that the restaurant company was reading his dream journal. Even though it had a limited run, don't despair. Carl's Jr. says there's a chance it could eventually return to the menu. The idea evolved from the chain's first hand-scooped ice cream sandwich made with over-sized Oreos. Carl's Jr. employees then started walking through supermarket aisles to find the next "carrier" for its ice cream.

    Notable Review: "With the demise of the cupcake, are Americans looking at an era of dessert innovation as restaurants jockey for supreme pastry domination? Or perhaps Carl's Jr. is merely looking to capitalize on the fact that Americans love anything (anything) that comes in sandwich form?"

    - Eater    
