评测报告:未来游戏机Xbox One志在客厅

评测报告:未来游戏机Xbox One志在客厅

JP Mangalindan 2013-11-22


    Xbox One有两款杀手级的独家游戏。《罗马之子》刚开始比较具有迷惑性,似乎只是一个简单的、可以预知情节的砍砍杀杀的动作游戏。但渐渐地,随着图层的不断展开,它开始变得复杂起来,逐渐推出让玩家获取经验值的新动作和战略,让他们的战士获得度身定制的技能,执行有趣的砍杀任务。而车迷们可能会花上几十个钟头在《极限竞速5》里赛车和改装车,它可以随着玩家技巧水平的不同而变得同样简单或深入。

    结论。一款新游戏机会因为始发游戏而遭遇热卖或滞销两种不同的命运,这正是Xbox One胜过PlayStation 4的地方。《罗马之子》和《极限竞速》都是极其出色的经典游戏,它们应该有希望让这款机子在假期大卖。

    微软和索尼都将自己的游戏机定位为专为客厅打造的多功能娱乐中心,但是有些消费者可能只会根据价格来做出决定(毕竟PlayStation要便宜100美元)。但是如果微软能消除语音识别和快照功能的一些性能问题,要做出选择也并不困难:要看清Xbox One的未来增长潜力要容易得多,只需要10秒时间,再说出一句最简单的指令:“启动吧,Xbox!”。(财富中文网)


    Xbox One has two killer exclusive titles. Ryse: Son of Rome starts off feeling like a deceptively simple and predictable hack-and-slash action adventure but gradually layers on more complex gameplay, introducing new moves and strategies for players to earn experience, customize their warrior's skills, and execute entertaining execution kills. And car aficionados will likely spend tens of hours racing and tuning up their cars in Forza Motorsport 5, where the gameplay is as superficial or as deep as the player's skill level.

    The verdict. A new console may live or die based on its initial games, and here is where the Xbox One trumps the PlayStation 4. Both Ryse and Forza Motorsport are the kind of graphical showcases that should move consoles throughout the holiday season.

    Microsoft and Sony are positioning their consoles as multi-purpose entertainment hubs for the living room, and some consumers may make their decision simply based on price. (After all, the PlayStation 4 is $100 less.) But if Microsoft can iron out some performance quirks around voice recognition and Snap, the decision won't be too hard: it's far easier to glimpse the future potential in the Xbox One, starting with 10 seconds of time and the simple two-word voice command: "Xbox on."        
