

Dan Mitchell 2013-10-23

    去年7月份,政治新闻和评论网站Talking Points Memo(简称TPM)自豪地宣布,它“很高兴地宣布平板电脑和智能手机用户现在可以通过Flipboard阅读TPM内容。”面向移动设备的Flipboard是一款颇受欢迎的杂志风格的新闻阅读应用程序。

    然而上周,TPM创始人乔什•马歇尔通知读者,该网站内容不再继续出现于Flipboard或Google Currents应用上。他写道,这些应用“基本上欺骗了出版商”。


    至少马歇尔是这样解释这种情况的。而从目前的情况来看,他基本上说的没错。但Flipboard 首席执行官(CEO)迈克•麦克库伊表示,马歇尔的说法有些草率,显然不了解Flipboard现在的运营模式,也不了解它不久的将来会如何运作。麦克库伊表示,他俩从来没有说过话,尽管他的公司曾数次试图联系马歇尔。马歇尔对《财富》杂志(Fortune)提出的置评请求也没有作出回应。

    Flipboard以杂志的格式呈现杂志、报纸、博客和社交媒体网站的内容,读者通过在手机屏幕上滑动手指来“翻阅页面”。对于大型出版物而言,每隔几页就会显示整版广告。内容和广告的显示方式在一些方面都远远优于在互联网和许多独立应用程序上的内容和广告,而且在某些方面甚至优于阅读报纸和杂志。据麦克库伊称,Flipboard上的广告价格比普通互联网上的广告高出许多。 他说:“从一开始,我们就采取了印刷品中经过检验而可靠的各种原则,并且将它们运用于在线平台。”




    In July of last year, the political news and opinion site Talking Points Memo proudly declared that it was "excited to announce that tablet and smartphone users can now read TPM on Flipboard," a popular, magazine-style news-reading app for mobile devices.

    Last week, TPM founder Josh Marshall informed readers that the site's content no longer appears on either Flipboard or on the competing Google Currents (GOOG) app. The apps "are basically scams against the publishers," he wrote.

    Why the total change of heart? Because Flipboard takes whole articles from publishers and -- in many cases, including TPMs -- gives those publishers essentially nothing in return.

    At least, that's how Marshall interprets the situation. And as things stand for now, he's essentially right. But Flipboard CEO Mike McCue says Marshall jumped the gun, and that he apparently doesn't understand how Flipboard works, or how it will work in the near future. The two have never spoken, McCue says, despite his company's several attempts to reach out to Marshall, who also has not responded to Fortune's requests for comment.

    Flipboard displays the content of magazines, newspapers, blogs, and social media sites in a magazine-like format. Readers flip through the pages with a swipe. For bigger publications, full-page ads appear every few pages. Both the content and the ads are in a format that is in several ways vastly superior to reading on the web and many standalone apps -- and in some ways even better than reading a magazine or newspaper. The ads sell for considerably more money than web ads sell for, according to McCue. "From the beginning, we have taken the tried-and-true principles of print and applied them online," he says.

    But it's not necessarily a solution for the troubled publishing business, at least not yet. Each publication on Flipboard must sell its own ads, at least for the time being (the company does offer some support). Many smaller publications are not equipped to do so. And the ads are in a format that many publishers and advertisers are not yet used to dealing with -- there are few standards yet. For bigger publications that can sell ads, a presence on Flipboard might often be a much better deal than web ads are. For smaller ones, revenues are either nonexistent or so small that the only real benefit for publishers is the "exposure" they get.

    The exposure angle is what irked Marshall. In the days after his initial, somewhat churlish blog post, he expanded on his complaint through a series of edits and additions to the original piece. Marshall acknowledged that "scam" might have been an ill-chosen word (though he did use it again), but he stuck to his assertion that Flipboard is "bad for publishers" because all it offers sites like his is "reach" and "brand awareness." People who read TPM on Flipboard aren't reading it on his site, where the ad revenues are feeble, but at least they're revenues. "You can't eat 'reach' and we can't pay salaries with 'brand awareness'," he wrote. He did acknowledge that "no one forces TPM or other sites to work with these services, and [those services are] not really explicitly lying."

    It's hard to know what he thinks they might be implicitly lying about. There's no indication that Flipboard has misrepresented itself. McCue says he understands Marshall's complaint, but he also says that TPM's presence on Flipboard probably helped more than hurt the publication, since TPM only had about 30,000 monthly readers on the service. It's not known how much ads on TPM sell for, but it's probably less than a buck per thousand impressions. And the fact that someone had been reading TPM on Flipboard doesn't necessarily mean they are now reading the website. Some commenters have explicitly said they wouldn't. So maybe it was worth being there just for the "reach" after all.
