

Clay Dillow 2013-08-15








    "Whether or not prenatal genetic testing becomes standard, it's certainly possible, but they're going to have to get the price point down lower than it is right now," says Les Funtleyder, a health care strategist at investment firm Poliwogg. "Managed care companies aren't rushing toward new places to spend money. If the companies in question can make the case that by doing this you're somehow improving quality or cutting costs, they could become part of standard care. But if they're adding cost onto the price of pregnancy, it won't be received enthusiastically."

    That's the case the companies in this space are working to make right now. Over the past couple of years the technology has matured tremendously, with several firms bringing commercial tests to market since 2011 (a few started as paternity tests, significant in that they could determine paternity as early as eight weeks into a pregnancy). Since then, those companies have moved quickly to pile new diagnostic targets into those tests, which now screen for everything from chromosomal disorders like Down and a number of other less-notable syndromes to various sex chromosome abnormalities, many of which go undetected in young children until they are too old for hormone treatments to be effective. In the future these same NIPT diagnostics could screen for cystic fibrosis, Tay-Sachs, sickle cell anemia, and even the presence of certain genes associated with common cancers. Because the tests themselves simply extract the genetic information from the mother's blood sample, the number of disorders and genetic indicators NIPT could eventually test for is really only limited by doctors' understanding of the genome.

    Yet as a diagnostic tool, these tests have largely been relegated to what are considered high-risk populations -- typically pregnant women 35 or older (for Down syndrome) or that carry some other known risk for a chromosomal disorder. But both Natera and Verinata are designing and conducting general population trials to prove their efficacy in spotting chromosomal and genetic issues in the unborn children of non-high-risk mothers -- a proposition that, if proven, could accelerate the adoption of NIPT across the board as a standard test for all pregnant mothers, something as routine as ultrasound.

    The impetus for this won't be Down Syndrome or sex chromosome abnormalities, says Natera CEO Dr. Matt Rabinowitz, but NIPT's next frontier, so-called deletion syndromes. These occur when all or part of a chromosome, for whatever reason, is deleted from the genome, causing various developmental problems for the child. These syndromes aren't necessarily very well understood, but doctors know they exist and the companies in the NIPT space are confident their tests can spot them -- and will do so in their commercial version within the next six to 18 months.

    "I have no doubt that this will become a front-line test across the entire population," Rabinowitz says. "And what's going to drive this to the entire population is deletion syndromes. You really want to be able to screen for these, and to be able to include these in a population-wide screen is an extremely big deal."

    That population-wide adoption will have huge public health impacts, Rabinowitz says, and he's not the only one who thinks so. The NIPT tests themselves only extract the baby's genetic information, so the only thing limiting what they can screen for is doctors' clinical understanding of the genome -- the application of that information in creating therapeutics and making clinical decisions. And with genetic science following its own kind of Moore's Law, those potential applications are growing at a prodigious rate.
