

Andy Serwer 2013-08-12

    苏安迪与库彻在财富科技头脑风暴大会上交谈。图片来源:David Alan Davis

    总之,如果你是苹果迷,并且/或者像我一样,曾经读过史蒂夫和苹果的故事,你肯定想一睹为快——特别是看看艾什顿的表现。除此之外,我不知道这部电影有什么大众吸引力,尤其是拿它与《社交网络》(The Social Network)这样的电影相对比之后。《社交网络》的编剧和制片水平明显高出一筹。说到艾伦•索金(曾负责《社交网络》的编剧),这部乔布斯传记电影为索尼电影公司(Sony Pictures)根据沃尔特•艾萨克森的畅销传记《乔布斯传》(Steve Jobs)筹拍的乔布斯电影设置了两个门槛。(索金将负责索尼版乔布斯传记的编剧和导演。)第一个门槛是电影本身,在我看来,这个门槛非常低。这意味着,我认为索金和索尼电影公司很轻松就能制作出一部更优秀的电影。我认为第二个门槛相对更高。它意味着,索尼拍摄的乔布斯传记电影中,饰演乔布斯的演员(人选尚未公布)要想超越艾什顿,肯定要下一番功夫。(财富中文网)


    Bottom line: If you are an Apple freak and/or have followed Steve and Apple's story like I have, you'll want to see this -- particularly to see Ashton. Beyond that, I'm not sure how much mass appeal this movie will have, particularly when you hold it up against something like The Social Network, where a much higher level of writing and filmmaking was brought to bear. And speaking of Aaron Sorkin, (who did the screenplay for the Zuckerberg pic), this Jobs movie sets two bars for the yet to come Sony Pictures (SNE) film on Jobs based on Walter Isaacson's blockbuster biography, Steve Jobs. (Sorkin will write and direct the Sony project.) The first bar is the film itself, which to my mind is fairly low. Meaning I think Sorkin and company easily make a better movie. The second bar I say is higher. Meaning the actor (as yet unannounced) to play Jobs in the Sony version will have his work cut out for him if he hopes to really be that much better than Ashton.
