

Bob Lutz 2013-06-06



    鲍伯•卢茨曾经在四家车企里担任过将近50年的高级管理者。他2010年退休,随后以作家和演讲家的身份开辟了职业生涯的第二春。他最擅长的事是解析人们关心的汽车界谜团。继2011年出版了一本名叫《造车人vs.数钱人》(Car Guys vs. Bean Counters)的书后,最近卢茨又出版了一本名叫《偶像和傻瓜:领导力大实话》(Icons and Idiots:Straight Talk on Leadership)的新书。卢茨在这本书中描述了他几个老板的“怪癖和愚蠢程度”,还给他们的领导水平打了分。我们可以发现,书中出现的大多数CEO都缺乏某些素质。



Always outspoken

    Since retiring in 2010 after nearly five decades as a top executive at four automakers, Bob Lutz has found a second career as a myth-puncturing author and speaker. In this highly personal follow-up to Car Guys vs. Bean Counters, published in 2011, Lutz relates what he calls the "bizarre foibles and rank stupidity" of his bosses, and grades them on their leadership qualities. Lutz is a hard marker: Most of the CEOs in Icons and Idiots: Straight Talk on Leadership are found wanting in several qualities.

    This book is about leaders and leadership, a compendium from my more than 60 years of observation. These tales do not constitute a "hatchet" job or an attempt to "get even." The years have caused anger and resentment to dissipate. What I have attempted to do is to show the complexities of successful leaders by exposing both their human weaknesses and, in most cases, their successes. My bottom line is that most successful leaders are mentally and emotionally askew. It's precisely that they are impatient, stubborn, opinionated, unsatisfied, and domineering that makes them successful.

    Since the business world likes quantification, I have attempted to craft a brief overview of each of the subjects examined in this book. I have evaluated them, using a scale of 1 to 10, on the leadership traits I personally believe are the most important: integrity, courage, style, communication skill, toughness, adaptability, consistency and focus, sense of priority, creativity, and results. A perfect score would be 345.
