

JP Mangalindan 2013-05-16

    互联网已催生出一些著名的数字出版商,他们为几乎每个人的喜好提供服务——从简单明了的新闻到有负罪感的乐趣。有多少获得普利策奖、关注伤残退伍军人的系列报道(包括10篇系列文章),就会有多少《本周有关猫的10张最有趣的GIF图像》这样空洞的文章。这些公司的盈利情况怎么样呢?有些数字出版商,比如The Awl,从一开始就一直在盈利,而诸如Vox Media等其他公司则预计自己很快就会盈利。以下只是几家新媒体公司的简介,以及他们目前的经营状况。

    The web has given rise to a number of notable digital publishers serving almost everyone's tastes, from straightforward news to guilty pleasures. For every Pulitzer-winning 10-part series on wounded war veterans, there are just as many frothy posts like the "10 funniest cat GIFs of the week." What about earnings? Some like The Awl have been profitable from the outset; others like Vox Media predict they'll be in the black soon. Here's a snapshot of just several new media businesses and how they're doing.








    成名原因: 难道这个网站还有不出名的地方吗?八年来,《赫芬顿邮报》已成为美国最受欢迎的新闻网站之一。它涉及的内容广泛,从重要新闻和名人评论到来自外部网站的新闻报道聚合,以及获奖的新闻报道,几乎无所不有。2012年,《赫芬顿邮报》因旗下高级军事记者大卫•伍德就退伍军人及其家庭生活撰写的题为《战场之外》(Beyond the Battlefield)的一篇系列报道(包括10篇系列文章),获得了普利策国内报道奖。

    背景:这家网站由赫芬顿、企业家肯尼思•莱勒、已故评论家安德鲁•布雷特巴特和新闻聚合网站Buzzfeed创始人乔纳•佩雷蒂联合创办,目的是创建一个新闻、评论以及第三方精选文章的发布中心。它就像新闻聚合网站Drudge Report一样,但更偏向于主流媒体。






The Huffington Post

    New York

    Founded: 2005

    Readers: 73.1 million worldwide

    Employees: Not available. (Estimated: Up to 500.)

    Who runs it: Greek author, columnist, and influencer Arianna Huffington

    What it's known for: What isn't it known for? In eight years, HuffPost has become one of the most popular news websites in the U.S., with a wide array of content, from hard news and celebrity commentary to aggregated stories from outside outlets and award-winning reportage. In 2012, it was awarded a Pulitzer in National Reporting for a 10-part series on war vets by senior military correspondent David Wood called "Beyond the Battlefield."

    Backstory: Launched by Huffington, businessman Kenneth Lerer, deceased commentator Andrew Breitbart, and Jonah Peretti, creator of Buzzfeed, as a hub for news, commentary, and select third-party articles. Think Drudge Report, but more mainstream.

    Backers: $1 million in initial funding with an additional reported $20 million later, followed by the $315 million acquisition by AOL in 2011.

    Business model: Largely composed of digital advertising but also content syndication and e-commerce.

    Revenues: Not available, but the outlet once aimed to triple sales from $30 million in 2010 to $100 million last year.

    Profitable: Briefly in 2010, but not since its acquisition.

    What's next: Aggressive international expansion and more video across the entire site, according to a HuffPost spokesperson.
