

Michael Fitzpatrick 2013-05-09




    但对于为日本和全球智能手机生产零部件的日本电子公司来说,还有一线希望。日本公司或许未能创造出大获成功的手机,但日本电子制造商生产了约50%的智能手机零部件,其中也包括苹果的iPhone。Mobiyko公司的日本手机市场顾问Lars Cosh-Ishii指出:“日本手机制造商的本国市场份额低于5年前的水平,这是事实,但同期他们向全球各地生产商提供了大量的零部件,(在很大程度上)抵消了手机销售额的下滑。”



    "iPhone still is about the only phone in Japan which is sold unmodified (i.e. just the way the manufacturer has it produced)."

    He adds that such tinkering makes the phones -- based on Android (GOOG) -- too feature-heavy, too complicated, and unstable battery drainers.

    Thirdly, he suggests that the software that Japanese add to foreign phones and that is found in domestic-bred devices is no match for Apple's or an unadulterated Samsung. "As Steve Jobs once said, Japanese manufacturers' biggest mistake is they didn't realize how important software technology has become. Most of the executives at Japanese consumer electronics manufacturers were hardware engineers, and they don't get the importance of software or how software business works." he says.

    There is, however, a silver lining for Japanese electronic companies making parts for Japan's and the globe's smartphones. Japan Inc. may have failed to produce a phone to set the world on fire, but Japanese electronics makers still produce roughly 50% of parts for all our smartphones and that includes Apple's iPhone. "Japan's phone makers have less market share here than five years ago, it's true, but the value of sales here is offset (by many times) compared to the volumes of components they provide to every single maker shipping globally over that same period of time," points out Japan mobile market consultant Lars Cosh-Ishii at Mobiyko.

    "And it's not just hardware. Nobody seems to mention the IP aspect of Japan Inc.'s contribution to wireless industry. Its critical patents for 3G enable billions of handsets around the world to connect to the network." His message is as the cradle of the modern mobile, Japanese innovation might still engender a phone that pushes all the right buttons and astounds the world once more.
