

Eleanor Bloxham 2012-12-17

    三年前,美国联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)曾建议向那些实施高风险薪酬方案的银行收取更高的FDIC保费,这项曾经被寄予厚望的监管建议目前基本上仍然处于搁置状态。“美国联邦存款保险公司正在和其他金融监管机构一起,根据多德-弗兰克(Dodd-Frank Act)法案第956款继续推动激励薪酬条例的制定,然后再考虑和评估其他行动,”FDIC发言人在一份电子邮件中写道。




    本文作者埃莉诺•布洛斯汉姆是董事会咨询公司The Value Alliance and Corporate Governance Alliance(http://thevaluealliance.com)的首席执行官。


    One regulatory hope, an FDIC idea proposed almost three years ago to charge higher FDIC premiums to banks with risky compensation schemes, is essentially on hold. "The FDIC, along with other financial regulators, is continuing to work on an incentive compensation rulemaking under section 956 of the Dodd-Frank Act before considering and evaluating other action," an FDIC spokesperson said in an email.

    Board compensation committees shouldn't determine executive pay based on any number -- be it earnings or shoe size – without examining what those figures really say about performance. Nor should they stick their heads in the sand and pay executives with stocks, bonds or interest rate swaps without considering how this may affect executives' motivations.

    Compensation committees should also implement bonus deferral programs for those at the top, to ensure executives have rightfully earned their pay. If JP Morgan's board were serious about pay for performance, they'd have instituted bonus deferrals instead of shelling out millions way too soon. We'll know whether that board is serious if at year-end they not only claw back CEO Jamie Dimon's bonus for the losses on the CIO trades, but also ding him for generating risky earnings and a staggering litigation backlog (including any Libor costs). But don't hold your breath.

    Paying bonuses for fraud and harm?  It's hard to see how that comports with reasonable business judgment.

    Eleanor Bloxham is CEO of The Value Alliance and Corporate Governance Alliance (http://thevaluealliance.com), a board advisory firm.
