

Beth Kowitt 2012-12-14





    您能谈谈为何单独设立Tenth and Blake部门?为什么这样规划公司架构?

    大多数啤酒都是以感情为诉求点,而不是功能。啤酒没有太多不同。即便一款啤酒是不同的,也有很多啤酒的口味与它很相似。因此,要做的是努力在人们的头脑中建立新的情感联系。为此,需要像一家小公司一样行动。必须用很长的时间培育。建立Tenth and Blake就是为了像一家小公司一样缓慢细致、而且始终如一地推出产品。




    对于精酿啤酒业务,或更具体地说是Tenth and Blake,您怎么看它的前景?

    Tenth and Blake是MillerCoors针对具体问题而设立的,即我们在增长方面落后于这部分市场。我们需要在这个方向上拓展我们的品牌组合。

    在某种意义上,Tenth and Blake是一个销售或营销组织,服务于仍在发展阶段的啤酒品牌。一旦品牌成长到足够大,就可以移入主流品牌。Blue Moon品牌目前仍由Tenth and Blake打理,但有一点几乎不可避免,可能在不远的未来就需要考虑将蓝月亮移入主流品牌,就像其他品牌一样。


    Anti-big, anti-international -- you are big and you are international. So how do you play off this trend?

    We have our own craft brands. We also look selectively to acquire, or form partnerships with, or cozy up to people who have incubated good businesses. It's difficult for big companies to incubate small brands. That, at its heart, is the dilemma. To start a small brand in a credible, consistent, sticking-to-it kind of way is hard for big companies. That's what small entrepreneurs do best.

    Do you think that the core craft consumer embraces this model?

    There's a huge debate in the craft world about us, all big brewers, because we're like the enemy. We're the other guys. They think we're stealing their authenticity. What we say is, "Let the consumer decide." If we're authentic enough for the consumer, that's authentic enough for anyone.

    Could you talk about the strategy around why you have this separate Tenth and Blake division? Why did you structure the company this way?

    For most beer, the proposition is emotional. It's not functional. The beer is not that different. And even if the beer is different, there are others that taste much like it. So you're trying to create new emotional associations in people's minds. To do that, you've got to act like a small company. You've got to incubate it for a long time. Tenth and Blake is set up to introduce things slowly and carefully and consistently like a small company.

    Do you think at some point we'll revert back to where we were before? More consolidation, a less sophisticated palate?

    I don't think the craft movement in its current guise will continue to grow indefinitely. I don't think it can. It's not economic. Too many people won't make any money. Too many of them will go out of business. And I think it will become less fashionable. These things are fashion to some extent.

    Brand portfolios of big brewing companies will get bigger, more complex, more stratified, and more differentiated because those are the trends you see everywhere else in the world. But you're not going to go back to where Budweiser (BUD) or the next Budweiser has a 30 share or 40 share.

    What do you see as the future of craft and, more specifically, Tenth and Blake?

    Tenth and Blake is a creation of MillerCoors to solve a specific problem, which is that we under-index in the growth segments. We need to grow our portfolio more in that direction.

    In a sense, what Tenth and Blake represents is a selling or a marketing organization oriented toward beers still in incubation mode. Once the brands become big, they can be handed over to the mainstream. Blue Moon is still handled by Tenth and Blake, but it's almost inevitable that at some stage in the not too distant future, you might contemplate moving Blue Moon out into the mainstream and just treat it as another brand.
