

Jennifer Reingold 2012-11-07


    迪士尼收购业内颇受推崇的特效公司工业光魔(Light & Magic)给它带来了额外的好处,虽然有人曾担心,该公司被迪士尼收购之后,可能会让迪士尼的竞争对手们放弃工业光魔。工业光魔几乎为世界上所有电影公司提供过特效服务。




    As tempting as it may seem to merge Princess Leia with Princesses Ariel and Aurora, Iger, who has described himself as Disney's "brand manager" in the past, say the key is to protect what is still one of the world's greatest entertainment franchises, even six years after the release of the last Star Wars film. Disney's edge is to run its content through Disney's international distribution system -- including its own cable channel, available in hundreds of countries -- and in so doing, bring Star Wars to new generations of fans worldwide. "In the three years since we did Marvel," says Iger, "China and Russia have emerged as huge movie markets in the world. We saw an opportunity internationally both in terms of the box office and on terms of consumer products."

    An added bonus for Disney comes with the acquisition of Industrial Light & Magic, the respected special effects firm that has does independent work for virtually every studio in the world -- though one wonders if the fact that it will now be owned by a competitor may cause some firms to stay away.

    There is yet another important aspect to the deal that few have noticed: the creeping Silicon Valley influence on a firm so deeply rooted in Southern California. Iger has long championed technology as one of his three uniting principles of the company, and a key competitive edge going forward. "We're moving Disney's center of gravity north," he says, before hastening to add that the corporation will not be relocating. "When we bought Pixar," he says, "John Lasseter said something I loved. The creative people challenged the tech people to create the tools they need to fulfill the creative vision, and vice versa. We can tap into a larger and different talent pool."

    Geeks with a thing for Mickey, he's talking to you.
