

Caitlin Keating 2012-10-10

发电足球生产商Uncharted Play





    麦修斯和西尔弗曼最初想到要创立现在的公司Uncharted Play,还是在哈佛(Harvard University)念大三的时候。两人在大学期间都曾游历海外,发现不管多穷多落后的地区,当地人都喜爱踢球。Uncharted Play的第一款产品SOCCKET足球就着眼于人们对足球的热爱:SOCCKET作为便携式发电机,可在人们踢球的过程中储存能量,日后为电灯、迷你冰箱、手机等供电。Uncharted Play与非营利组织合作,将在2013年2月前在非洲、拉美和美国国内派发10,000个SOCCKET足球。

    今秋,两位创业者开始了在哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)的学业。“我有没有时间睡觉?当然有——但我今年才24岁,因此如果有件事对我真的非常重要,我可以牺牲一点睡眠时间,”麦修斯表示。

    下一步?智能球LUDO,内置芯片可以追踪和记录踢球时间,并将这些信息通过无线传输方式上传到Uncharted Play的捐赠网站The PlayFund。她们的目标是创造出一种货币,让发展中世界的人们能用踢球时间来换取资源。

Uncharted Play

Founder(s): Jessica O. Matthews and Julia Silverman

Age: 24, 24

School: Harvard University

Graduation: 2011

    Matthews and Silverman came up with the idea for their company, Uncharted Play, while juniors at Harvard. Both had traveled abroad during college and realized that no matter how poor or power-deprived the area, its residents consistently played footie. Uncharted Play's first product, the SOCCKET ball, piggybacks this love of soccer: It acts as a portable generator, storing energy built up during play that can be used later to charge lamps, mini-fridges, cell phones, and more. The company partnered with NGOs and confirmed over 10,000 SOCCKETs for distribution across Africa, Latin America and the U.S. by February 2013.

    The entrepreneurs started at Harvard Business School this fall. "Do I sleep? Not really—but I'm 24 years old, so I can afford to lose a bit of sleep if it means doing something that really matters to me," says Matthews.

    Up next? The LUDO, a smart ball fitted with a chip that tracks and records the hours of play—and wirelessly uploads the information to Uncharted Play's online giving platform, The PlayFund. Their goal is to create a currency, allowing those in the developing world to purchase resources with their hours of play.
