

Anthony Tjan 2012-08-14

    那些已经成功经历长期增长、现在正进入业务延伸阶段的公司同样也面临类似的难题:除了坚持不懈之外,领袖们是否勇于革新?苹果公司(Apple)当然是这方面的典范(这家公司在2007年将“计算机”一词从名字中去除,以反映这一变化),而雅虎(Yahoo)和黑莓手机生产商移动研究公司(Research in Motion)正在经历生死存亡的时刻。但在未来的十年,同样的问题也会发生在Facebook这样的时代宠儿身上,他们该如何面对创新和市场新生力量的挑战。



    安东尼•詹是风投公司Cue Ball Capital的首席执行官,也是《内心、智慧、勇气和幸运》(Heart, Smarts, Guts and Luck )一书的联合作者,该书已由由《哈佛商业评论》出版社(Harvard Business Review Press)出版。

    A similar dilemma holds true for companies that have gone through long-term, successful growth and now enter into the extending stage of growth: does the leader have the guts not just to persevere but also to evolve? Apple (AAPL), of course, is a poster-child for this (dropping the word "computer" from its company name in 2007 to reflect the shift), and Yahoo (YHOO) and Research in Motion (RIMM) have found themselves at their own moment of truth. But over the next decade, the same questions will come about for our contemporary darlings -- the Facebooks of the world -- that will have to meet new innovations and entrants into the market.

    How do you lead with strength while keeping a sense of honesty about your company's vulnerabilities? It starts with self-awareness, both as it relates to a leader's individual qualities as well as the decisions they make. It's a timeless quality that marks all great business leaders.

    Are you arrogant? Are you humble? Are you a little of both? What really matters is that you know yourself; that you have a sense of when to dial it up and cool things down, and to ask for help when the situation demands.

    Anthony Tjan is CEO of Cue Ball Capital and is co-author of Heart, Smarts, Guts and Luck (Harvard Business Review Press).
