

Cyrus Sanati 2012-08-10






    In any case, given what HSBC has put aside, analysts believe that Standard Chartered will end up paying a fine of around $1.5 billion. That seems a bit arbitrary, but it is far less than the $17 billion that the market chopped off the bank's market value in Tuesday's trading. Investors are betting that the bank will be barred from doing business in New York, threatening its U.S. dollar clearing operations, which make up an estimated 15%-20% of the bank's total revenues. Equity analysts that follow the bank believe that it will in no way lose its license, especially as it was Standard Chartered that reported the violations voluntarily to the government during the 2010 crackdown.

    But even if it does lose its New York license, it doesn't have to give up its clearing operations. It could set up shop in another banking center in a different city and state, like Chicago, Il., Stamford, CT., or even Charlotte, N.C. It is not expected to get to that point, but there are still options on the table if need be.

    In any case, it looks like the market is ready to give Standard Chartered the benefit of the doubt as the bank's stock moved up 6% in early trading Wednesday in Europe. But the firm's stock is still down 15% for the week. Analysts warn that the stock will probably continue trading at depressed levels until the bank either pays the fine or sets aside a good chunk of money as a provision.

    It is unclear when or if the bank will act. For now, Peter Sands, Standard Chartered Chief Executive doesn't seem too concerned. Despite all the whirlwind, he packed his bags last night and set off for his summer vacation.
