

Elaine Pofeldt 2012-03-01

    尼彻(Nitro)vs. 奥多比(Adobe)


    他们的故事:很多小公司都想实现无纸化办公,但同样还是这些公司,它们并不希望为此花费巨资,包括购买一款软件来把各种文件转换成可修改的PDF文档。因此,尼彻的创始团队、原本为奥多比的Acrobat软件开发扩展功能的技术人员推出了一款免费的阅读软件Nitro Reader。这款可在网上下载使用的软件能帮助用户将其他格式的文档转换成PDF格式,同时支持对PDF文档的标示与笔记功能(Acrobat Reader则不直接提供这方面的功能)。尼彻CEO山姆•钱德勒说,公司现在已经拥有了500万名活跃用户,通过销售该阅读器的加强版Nitro Pro创收。他说,公司去年的销售额达到了1,300万美元,已经实现盈利。



    Nitro vs. Adobe

    The challenge: Give customers something free, upgrade them, and avoid getting crushed by the big guys.

    What they did: Many small businesses want to go paperless. But those same businesses have no desire to dole out a lot of money for the software to switch to PDF documents that they can edit, among other things. Nitro's founding team, which formerly made add-on products for Adobe Acrobat, came up with a free alternative called Nitro Reader. The downloadable software lets users create PDF files from other formats, as well as mark up and add text to them. (Acrobat Reader doesn't offer those functions directly.) CEO Sam Chandler says his company has 5 million active users now; it makes money by offering a souped-up version of the program called Nitro Pro. The business, he says, is profitable, with sales of $13 million last year.

