

《财富》 2011-12-27



    这是一场经典的抹黑运动,记者丹•里昂斯率先报道了此事。事件曝光后,Facebook承认,它的确雇佣了博雅公司来宣传谷歌在其不事张扬的“社交圈子(Social Circles)”功能中使用个人数据的行为,但Facebook声称它对这种行为的担忧合情合理(一个月后,这个功能正式成为了谷歌的一部分,这不啻为对Facebook的正面回击)。


Facebook smears Google's privacy policy

    This year's PR fiasco ranks near the top of Facebook's long list of missteps. In May, the social network hired aggressive PR firm Burson-Marsteller to plant negative pieces about Google. Specifically, Facebook wanted to seed stories about Google invading its users' privacy -- something Facebook has plenty of experience with itself.

    It was a classic smear campaign, and reporter Dan Lyons blew the whistle on it. Dragged into the light, Facebook admitted hiring Burson to publicize what it claimed were its very legitimate concerns about Google's use of personal data in its under-the-radar "Social Circles" feature. (One month later, that feature became part of Google , the company's frontal assault on Facebook.)

    In the end, Facebook didn't own up to the real story -- that it attempted to play dirty with its biggest competitor -- and no one much cared about Google's alleged privacy violations. The story instead became Facebook's sloppy, shady hit job. -- Daniel Roberts
