

《财富》 2011-12-27



    美国银行(Bank of America)、富国银行(Wells Fargo)、摩根大通(JP Morgan)和其他银行都打算收取新的费用,但在客户群起反抗,纷纷表示要注销支票账户之后,银行家们迅速收回了这项计划。


    具有讽刺意味的是,银行业也许认为把这项收费做到公开透明是在向客户示好。此后,一些银行相继不动声色地提高了账户持有者的其他费用。客户或许赢得了借记卡收费战的胜利,但整场战争的赢家依然是银行。——Nin-Hai Tseng

All those $5 debit card fees

    Banks have always been notorious for charging pesky fees. But the nation's biggest financial institutions couldn't have picked a worse time to try out new monthly charges on debit cards -- right as the Occupy Wall Street movement swept across the nation.

    Bank of America, Wells Fargo, JP Morgan and other banks planned to levy the new fees, but executives quickly backed off after customers revolted, pledging to close their checking accounts.

    One cable news anchor cut up her card on the air and even President Obama condemned the move. Bank of America, the last major bank to withdraw its plans, received much of the flak.

    Ironically, the banks may have thought they were doing customers a favor by being transparent about their new fees. Since then, several banks have quietly raised other fees on account holders. Customers may have won the battle of the debit card fees but the banks are still winning the war. -- Nin-Hai Tseng
