

《财富》 2011-12-27


    本年度“公司爆尿比赛”大奖归属于甲骨文公司(Oracle)。该公司就惠普(Hewlett-Packard)斥资110亿美元收购企业软件供应商 Autonomy公司一事,发布了一系列令人震惊的新闻通告,对其进行了猛烈攻击。


    这番奚落话惹恼了Autonomy公司CEO迈克•林奇。一周后,他在接受《华尔街日报》(the Wall Street Journal)采访时称,他的公司根本就没有跟甲骨文公司洽谈过收购事宜。



    这可不是开玩笑。林奇再次否认他与甲骨文进行过收购谈判(他说4月份的那次会面是一次非正式的聊天)。之后,甲骨文几小时后就发布了一份名为《Autonomy公司CEO迈克•林奇再次撒谎》(Another Whopper from Autonomy CEO Mike Lynch.)的新闻通告予以回应。它还开启一个新网页Oracle.com/PleaseBuyAutonom,对此事进行了直播。


Oracle's PowerPoint assault on HP

    The award for "corporate pissing match of the year" goes to Oracle. It fired off an astonishing series of press releases and jabs at Hewlett-Packard over its $11 billion purchase of enterprise software vendor Autonomy.

    The battle started when Oracle CEO Larry Ellison trash-talked the deal during Oracle's earnings call. "Autonomy was shopped to us," Ellison said. "We looked at the price and thought it was absurdly high."

    The dig irked Autonomy CEO Mike Lynch, who told the Wall Street Journal a week later that his company hadn't talked with Oracle about an acquisition.

    Oracle smacked back a day later with an unusually pointed press release: "Mr. Lynch came to Oracle, along with his investment banker, Frank Quattrone, and met with Oracle's head of M&A, Douglas Kehring and Oracle President Mark Hurd at 11 am on April 1, 2011."

    Oracle added: "The Lynch shopping visit to Oracle is easy to verify. We still have his PowerPoint slides."

    It wasn't kidding. After Lynch once again denied having takeover talks -- he cast the April meeting as an informal introductory chat -- Oracle responded hours later with a press release titled "Another Whopper from Autonomy CEO Mike Lynch." It also went live with a new webpage: Oracle.com/PleaseBuyAutonomy.

    As threatened, the site featured the PowerPoints laying bare Autonomy's financials and forecasts -- exactly the kind of bait companies dangle when talking to potential buyers. -- Stacy Cowley
