

ALEX KONRAD 2011-10-11



    Nom Nom Truck餐饮车


    Nom Nom Truck餐饮车主要在洛杉矶和旧金山地区为Banh Mi越南三明治和其他越南菜馆服务。2009年,米萨•钱与26岁的珍尼弗•格林一起创办了这家公司。现在这家公司已经在没有外部投资的情况下实现了增长,它在洛杉矶拥有两台卡车,15名员工;在旧金山拥有一台卡车,7名员工。米萨•钱无需告诉员工们应该怎么做,她用行动说话。公司创业初期,她亲自开着第一台Nom Nom Truck餐饮车,每天检查卡车的燃料,然后跳上卡车去送货每天吃的都是Banh Mi三明治。这样的日子整整过了三个月。

    “尽管这是一个男性主宰的行业,但只要工作卖力,追随自己的梦想,仍然能获得成功,”她说。不过她也承认创业并不总是一帆风顺的。作为美食频道(Food Network)“美食车大赛”(The Great Food Truck Race)节目的最后两支决赛团队之一,现在米萨•钱终于可以长出一口气了。米萨•钱最关心的就是增长,她暗示Nom Nom Truck“将会把公司的移动性带入更高的水平,而且我们的移动性将不仅仅局限于卡车。”


    Misa Chien

    Nom Nom Truck

    Age: 25

    Nom Nom Truck serves up Banh Mi and other Vietnamese-inspired dishes to customers in Los Angeles and San Francisco. In 2009, Misa Chien started the company with 26-year-old Jennifer Green. Now, the company has grown without outside funding -- a team of 15 operates two trucks in Los Angeles, and seven employees run the truck in San Francisco. And Chien has no issue telling her truckers what to do: Early on, she drove Nom Nom's first truck for three months and got into a routine of checking the propane, jumpstarting the vehicle, and eating Banh Mi every day.

    "In a male dominated industry, you can still excel if you work really hard and follow your dreams," Chien says, admitting it wasn't always easy. As one of the final two teams on the Food Network series, The Great Food Truck Race, last year, Chien can take a deep breath. Chien is focused on growth, hinting that Nom Nom "will be taking mobility to the next level, in other ways of mobility besides just the truck."
