

ALEX KONRAD 2011-10-11

    Jessica Scorpion  


    Getaround 汽车分享服务


    当西卡•斯格皮奥想出Getaround的创意的时候,她还在奇点大学(Singularity University)的第一个毕业班里刻苦啃书。奇点大学是硅谷的一家精英荟萃的科技研究所,当年它从1,200名申请者中只招募了40名学生,而斯格皮奥是其中最年轻的一个(因此,她在班里最后一个拿到驾照)。当时,谷歌的拉里•佩奇向学生们提出了一个挑战,要求他们想出一个能够在10年内影响10亿人的点子。作为回应,斯格皮奥和8名同学一道开始研究Getaround的创意。不久之后,斯格皮奥与另两名共同创始人——32岁的山姆•扎伊德和21岁的埃利奥特•克鲁一起全职推出了Getaround。




    Jessica Scorpio


    Age: 24

    Jessica Scorpio came up with the idea for her car-sharing startup while she was toiling as the youngest (and thus last to start driving) member of the first graduating class at Singularity University, an elite Silicon Valley tech grad school that accepted 40 out of 1,200 applicants that year. She worked with eight classmates on the idea for Getaround there in response to Google's Larry Page's challenge for students to come up with an idea that could affect 1 billion people within ten years. Shortly after, Scorpio launched Getaround full time with co-founders Sam Zaid, 32, and Elliot Kroo, 21.

    What makes Getaround impressive? The company allows drivers in San Diego and San Francisco to share their cars in an arrangement that Scorpio describes as Airbnb without the security and safety concerns. Unlike ZipCar, which provides a similar service, Getaround users can make money by sharing their cars (some have made up to $10,000.).

    Scorpio and her team have impressed former TechCrunch boss Michael Arrington; his CrunchFund was among the investors that contributed a total of $3.4 million in seed funding announced last month.

    To make way for expansion, Getaround has pushed for the passage of laws to okay its car-sharing practices under states' insurance. But Scorpio doesn't see legislative headaches slowing the company down; she plans for Getaround to go international, and scoffs at naysayers. "Don't listen to anyone that tells you that you shouldn't start something."
