

ALEX KONRAD 2011-10-11

    Krystal Harrell


    Create Exposure 文化公司


    克里斯托•哈雷尔13岁就开始了创业生涯。她妈妈当年借给她20美元,用来创办Lucky You Design服装公司,后来哈雷尔把公司的业务从睡衣拓展到订制服饰,公司迅速发展壮大起来——那年她才仅仅16岁。2009年她卖掉了Lucky You Design,然后用这笔钱在2010年创立了Create Exposure公司。

    Create Exposure主要提供旨在迎合年轻消费者的市场调查、人力资源和设计服务。这家公司位于哈雷尔的老家北卡罗来纳州的夏洛特,与蓝天伏特加(SKYY Vodka)和Susan G. Komen for the Cure基金会达成了合作关系。另外,Create Exposure的两名内部员工和六名长期的自由工作者正在为明年将在夏洛特召开的民主党全国委员会(Democratic National Convention)研发在线社交工具。

    哈雷尔的眼光不仅放在了她自己的营销公司上,同时也对骆驼乳制品行业抱有兴趣。哈雷尔与巴基斯坦卡拉奇的一名女性企业家一道,与北卡罗来纳州的农民和生产商建立了合作关系,计划等到美国食品和药物管理局(the U.S. Food and Drug Administration)批准了骆驼奶产品后,就马上推出自己的骆驼奶制品品牌。哈雷尔认定美国食品和药物管理局明年年初就会批准骆驼奶。


    Krystal Harrell

    Create Exposure

    Age: 23

    Krystal Harrell got her start as an entrepreneur at age 13. Her mother loaned her $20 to start Lucky You Design, which took off when Harrell expanded the clothing company from pajamas to customized apparel and accessories -- she was all of 16 at the time. She sold Lucky You in 2009, and used that funding to start her current venture, Create Exposure, in 2010.

    Create Exposure provides marketing research, PR, and design services catered to appeal to young consumers. In Harrell's hometown of Charlotte, N.C., the company has worked with clients such as SKYY Vodka and the Susan G. Komen for the Cure foundation. Looking ahead, Create Exposure's team of two in-house staffers and six long-time freelancers is developing online social tools for the Democratic National Convention, which will be held in Charlotte next year.

    Harrell is one to keep an eye on not only for her marketing firm, but also because of her interest in camel milk. Working with a female business partner in Karachi, Pakistan, Harrell has developed partnerships with farmers and manufacturers in North Carolina and plans to hit the ground running with her own U.S. camel milk brand when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approves the product, which Harrell bets will happen in early 2012.

    Harrell hopes that her example will show other young women that they can succeed in launching their own businesses. "It's not rocket science," Harrell says. "It's just having tenacity and drive."
