

ALEX KONRAD 2011-10-11

    Juliette Brindak


    MissOandFriends.com 网站


    十几年前,10岁的朱丽叶•布林达克第一次创作出“Miss O”这个人物,“Miss O”已经取得了不小的成功:布林达克的《Miss O和她的朋友们》(Miss O and Friends)图书系列已经卖出了好几十万册,而且她的网站MissOandFriends.com也已经有了25万名会员。由于该网站的成功,布林达克说,她也许很快就会上电视了。她正在协商,也许即将参加一个面向少女的健康与保健类节目。

    MissOandFriends.com为少女们提供了一个私密的、励志的空间。布林达克希望能创造一个开放的氛围,鼓励少女们的自尊。目前该网站的广告销售收入已经足以抵补开支,包括给两名全职员工支付薪水。《Miss O和她的朋友们》系列的成功也引起了好几个潜在收购者的兴趣。布林达克也不排斥被收购,因为收购有望将《Miss O和她的朋友们》的品牌推向国际。布林达克表示,类似的收购可能最早2012年就会发生。

    Juliette Brindak


    Age: 22

    The "Miss O" character has come a long way since a 10-year-old Juliette Brindak first sketched her: Brindak's book series, Miss O and Friends, has sold several hundred thousand copies, and her website, MissOandFriends.com, boasts a quarter of a million members. Given her site's success, Brindak says she may be appearing on the small screen soon; she's in talks to participate in a health and wellness show that targets young girls.

    MissOandFriends.com offers an insulated, supportive space for female tweens. Brindak hopes to provide an open atmosphere that boosts its users self-esteem. Ad sales cover the site's expenses, including the salaries of two full-time employees. The popularity of MissOandFriends has sparked the interest of several potential buyers, and Brindak is not opposed to the idea of an acquisition, with the hopes of bolstering the MissOandFriends brand internationally. Brindak says such a sale could happen as early as 2012.
