

ALEX KONRAD 2011-10-11

    Jessica Mah


    inDinero 企业财务网站


    InDinero网站为小企业提供一种追踪企业财务状况的新方式,它让专业的财务顾问对企业账户进行关注,但是就像该网站承诺的那样,“完全没有难懂的会计行话”。 InDinero的共同创始人杰西卡•马称,InDinero的核心在于,小企业无需接受会计培训,便可享受InDinero的财务咨询服务。

    2010年7月,杰西卡•马和她的室友安迪•苏在加州大学伯克利分校(U.C. Berkeley)的宿舍里推出了Indinero,后来她们从宿舍搬到了校外的一幢房子里,用客厅作为办公室 (现在InDinero已经有了自己的办公室,不过杰西卡表示,她和她的闺蜜创始人现在仍然是室友)。2010年9月,这家公司从YouTube的共同创始人乔德•卡林和知名种子基金Y Combinator那里募集到了100万美元的投资。


    Jessica Mah


    Age: 21

    InDinero offers small businesses a way to track their finances by inputting their accounts with the attention of a financial advisor, but "completely free of accounting jargon," as its website promises. This emphasis on providing a service for small businesses without accounting training is at the core of inDinero, says co-founder Jessica Mah.

    Mah launched inDinero out of her dorm room at U.C. Berkeley with classmate Andy Su in July 2010, before moving into a house and using its living room as its office (inDinero has its own offices now, but Mah says the two co-founders remain roomies). That September, the company raised $1 million from investors such as YouTube co-founder Jawed Karim and Y Combinator, the famous seed venture fund for tech start-ups.

    Today, the company has six employees and over 20,000 businesses using its servers, with over 2.5 million transactions carried out. The company only just began charging for its services: $19.95, $29.95, or $49.95 per month, depending on a company's amount of transactions. Mah says inDinero plans to "step on the gas pedal" in the next few months, increasing its public profile through social media, search engine marketing, and in-product word-of-mouth (incentivized referrals by customers). Mah estimates that with expanded marketing, inDinero can quickly grow five-fold.
