

ALEX TAYLOR III 2011-08-22



    普利茅斯猎兽(Prowler)是对经典跑车的现代解读,普利茅斯之所以推出这款跑车,是因为看到了另一款复古车道奇蝰蛇(Dodger Viper)的成功。不过猎兽在工艺上做出了很大的妥协,因此被人们认为“不厚道”,比如它只搭载了一款V6发动机和自动变速器。由于头轻尾重,因此这款跑车跑起来很不稳定。2002年,也就是停产的那一年,这款车一共只生产了1,426台,售价为每台44,625美元。   

    Plymouth Prowler 1997-2002

    A modern interpretation of the classic hot rod, the Prowler was built to capitalize on the success of another retro car, the Dodger Viper. It was undone by a series of engineering compromises deemed "inauthentic," such as a V-6 engine and automatic transmission. Wickedly unstable because of the light front end, only 1,426 cars, priced at $44,625 apiece, were built during its last year of production.



    活脱脱的悲剧,一上市就过时的巨兽。福特Excursion重达8,500磅,也就是三吨半,身材庞大无比,是SUV界里的姚明。它是有史以来最长、最重的SUV。它只有三排座位,不过载物能力惊人,但油耗却高得令人咂舌。在城市道路上,每加仑汽油只能跑14到16英里。为了“表彰”它的燃油经济性,美国的环保组织雪乐山俱乐部(Sierra Club)为它颁发了埃克森瓦尔兹奖(Exxon Valdez)。这款车推出五年后即告停产,也没有推出后续车型。

    Ford Excursion 2000-2005 

    All but obsolete upon introduction, the 8,500-lb., three-and-a-half-ton Excursion tested the outer limits of SUV size with its jumbo proportions. The longest and heaviest SUV ever built, it had only three rows of seats but carried quantities of luggage. Capable of just 14-16 miles per gallon in city driving, it received an Exxon Valdez award from the Sierra Club because of its poor fuel economy and sank without a successor five years after launch.
