中国6大商业对手(京东vs.苏宁、华为vs.中兴…)" /> 史上50大商业对手:爱迪生vs.特斯拉 - 财富中文网


Scott Olster 2013-03-22


  • 可口可乐 vs.百事可乐1 / 50
  • 福特 vs.通用汽车2 / 50
  • 爱迪生 vs.特斯拉3 / 50
  • AT&T vs.MCI4 / 50
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  • CVS vs.沃尔格林药房21 / 50
  • UPS vs.联邦快递22 / 50
  • 赫斯特vs.普利策23 / 50
  • 拜耳vs.泰诺24 / 50
  • 金霸王vs.劲量兔25 / 50
  • 沃尔玛vs.塔吉特26 / 50
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  • 甲骨文vs. Salesforce31 / 50
  • Fender吉他vs. Gibson32 / 50
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  • 美国钢铁vs.伯利恒钢铁34 / 50
  • 西尔斯vs.彭尼35 / 50
  • 康内留斯·范德比尔特vs.杰•古尔德36 / 50
  • 摩根大通vs.高盛37 / 50
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  • 路易斯•梅尔vs.杰克•华纳 39 / 50
  • 百视达vs.网飞40 / 50
  • 泛美航空vs.环球航空41 / 50
  • 康卡斯特vs.威瑞森42 / 50
  • 灰狗vs.旅途43 / 50
  • 索尼vs.任天堂44 / 50
  • 雅诗兰黛vs.欧莱雅45 / 50
  • 谷歌vs.Facebook46 / 50
  • 迪斯尼CEO vs.梦工厂CEO47 / 50
  • 惊奇漫画vs. DC漫画48 / 50
  • 宝马vs.奔驰49 / 50
  • 网飞vs.亚马逊50 / 50





    最终,特斯拉的交流电技术获得了胜利,而直流电和交流电之争成了美国历史上最重要的企业战争之一。1892年,爱迪生通用电气公司(Edison General Electric)和汤姆森-休斯顿电气公司(Thomson-Houston)强强联手,由它们合并而成的通用电气(GE)处处和威斯丁豪斯为敌。爱迪生和特斯拉辞世之后的很长一段时间里,两人的宿怨依然未消。直到20世纪80年代,通用电气正确地选择了杰克•韦尔奇担任首席执行官,威斯丁豪斯却在继任者问题上连犯了四次错误。20世纪90年代末,通用电气成为世界上价值最高的公司。而原来的西屋公司则已不复存在,现在这家同名公司的规模还不到通用电气的十分之一。


    Hell hath no fury like a mentor scorned. In 1884 world-renowned inventor Thomas Edison welcomed a brilliant young Serbian engineer named Nikola Tesla into his New York office. Tesla had been working on direct current (DC) electricity in Edison's Paris division for a few years. Edison's DC apparatus reigned supreme at the time. But Tesla had conceived of a new method using alternating current (AC), which, unlike DC, could transmit significant amounts of power over long distances. According to Tesla, Edison dismissed his ideas as a waste of time, not to mention dangerous given the high voltage involved.

    Tesla designed several products for Edison, expecting to receive a promised $50,000 bonus for his efforts (about $1 million today). But when Tesla asked for his reward in the spring of 1885, Edison told him it had been a joke all along. Tesla quit.

    He struck out on his own, securing patents and catching the interest of Pittsburgh industrial titan George Westinghouse. Westinghouse had been quietly developing power stations using AC. Learning of Tesla's technology, he acquired his patents, putting the business might of the Westinghouse corporation behind the inventor. And the war came.

    When he heard that Westinghouse was moving into the electricity business, Edison ridiculed him. But it wasn't long before Edison was holding shocking public demonstrations to discredit AC power. To make his point, he electrocuted dogs, cows, horses, even an elephant. He then put his name behind an effort to use AC to power the first electric chair. The execution -- which took place in Auburn, N.Y., in August 1890, lasted eight minutes and required two attempts -- was a grisly affair. Westinghouse responded dryly, "They could have done it better with an axe."

    Ultimately Tesla's AC technology won the war, but the inventors' rivalry morphed into one of the greatest corporate battles in American history. A mega-merger of Edison General Electric and Thomson-Houston in 1892 created GE (GE, Fortune 500), which went toe-to-toe with Westinghouse. Long after Edison and Tesla died, their feud carried on until, in the 1980s, GE chose the right CEO (Jack Welch), while Westinghouse chose four successive wrong ones. By the late 1990s, GE was the most valuable company on earth. The original Westinghouse was no more; the current company with that name is less than one-tenth GE's size.

    Winner:Nikola Tesla
