

Erika Fry 2013-05-16




    IBM以其长期愿景和长期雇员而著称。罗睿兰也不例外:从西北大学(Northwestern)毕业、获得计算机科学学位和电力工程学学位后,她曾在通用汽车学院(General Motors Institute)工作过两年(大学奖学金的条件之一),之后才于1981年加入IBM,成为一名系统工程师。罗睿兰在工程领域的表现极为出色,而她在管理岗位上的晋升速度也非常迅速,她最为人津津乐道的是将IBM从一家技术公司转变成一家范围更广泛的商业解决方案公司。她带领IBM以35亿美元的价格收购了普华永道(PricewaterhouseCoopers)的咨询部门。不过,只要罗睿兰仍在IBM,她就不会害怕对它进行改革。实际上,她更担心的是一成不变:“千万不要对某些事物爱到无法放手的地步。每个人必须做出彻底改变,”在去年的《财富》杂志最具影响力商界女性峰会上,罗睿兰曾经这么说道。

Virginia (Ginni) Rometty

    Company: IBM

    Fortune 500 rank: 20

    IBM is a company known for long-term vision and long-term employees. Rometty is no exception: She came to Big Blue as a systems engineer in 1981 after graduating from Northwestern with a degree in computer science and electrical engineering at Northwestern and doing a two year stint at the General Motors Institute (a condition of her college scholarship). Though Rometty excelled at engineering, her rise to the managerial ranks was swift, and she is best known for her work transforming IBM from a technology company to a broader business solutions firm. She led IBM's skillful integration of PricewaterhouseCoopers Consulting, a $3.5 billion acquisition. But as long as Rometty has been at Big Blue, she's not afraid to change it. In fact she's afraid not to: "Never love something so much that you can't let go of it," she said at Fortune's Most Powerful Woman Summit last year. "And you have to reinvent."
