

John Van Siclen 2012-03-31





    Case-in-point: Health Services Provider Takes End-User Perspective

    CHRISTUS exhibits many of the common IT challenges organizations face: its applications serve multiple audiences including patients, supply chain partners, employees and, of course, health care providers. It's a decentralized organization with many geographic locations and moving ever closer to full automation of electronic health records (EHR).

    Inherent in this challenge is the growing complexity involved in delivering applications to multiple audiences using a variety of devices. This complex set of services standing between data centers and end-users is what we call the Application Delivery Chain (ADC). Problems can occur at any point along this chain, and can result in failed applications or page load times that vary widely across geographies.

    CHRISTUS has the added pressure of knowing that, just as medical equipment cannot fail, the applications providing its physicians and clinicians with accurate health care records or other information must operate flawlessly.





    How does CHRISTUS address these challenges? Since the organization fully understands the connection between application delivery and revenue, it is already in the 'proactive' camp. Its strategy for addressing these complex challenges reads like a best practice playbook in application performance:

    • It starts by benchmarking its application performance. This means clearly defining what is, and what is not, acceptable application speed, based on the needs of its users.

    • It then engages a program of ongoing measurement of the end-user experience to make certain that it meets the organization's standards.

    • To ensure that problems are quickly identified and resolved, it has visibility across the entire Application Delivery Chain. "This deep-dive view allows CHRISTUS to effectively test applications before they are built, and before end-users are impacted," says George Conklin, CIO for CHRISTUS Health. "This allows us to keep pace with the expanding complexity of our systems and the growing expectations of our end-users," added Conklin.
