

Richard Nieva 2012-03-27

    一直以来,Beats的联合创始人艾文始终是高质量MP3的销量冠军,结果是唱片公司被迫向苹果的iTune等在线销售商提供一流的音频文件。在主要的音乐订阅服务中,MOG的质量/流比率最高。NPD集团的分析师罗斯•鲁宾称,由于流式技术不断提高,MOG的领导地位“不再明显”。但是,艾文与里克•鲁宾私交密切,后者是富有传奇色彩的唱片制作人兼哥伦比亚唱片公司(Columbia Records)联合总裁,同时也是MOG的董事。当初拉文开展高质量音频文件运动时,他要求鲁宾在哥伦比亚的母公司索尼(Sony)也如法炮制。

    如果真的收购MOG,宏达电会有什么好处?收获之一是,它可以将MOG与其安卓产品捆绑。去年,Rhapsody与手机运营商Metro PCS建立了合作伙伴关系。但迄今为止收效甚微。NPD分析师鲁宾称,还有另外一种可能,就是MOG、宏达电、以及Beats三者共同开发一款“端到端”产品,将音乐流式下载、Beats的音频技术、以及宏达电的硬件三者集成到一起,甚至还可用Beats的名字重命名MOG。CNET上已有传闻,称这几家公司计划建立一个新的商业网站,用来销售音乐、耳机、以及其他商品。

    当然,三者的合作也存在隐患。如果宏达电将MOG整合到其手机中,有可能会影响到运营商与其他音乐订阅服务商之间的交易。此外,与流媒体音乐网站Spotify 相比,MOG的业务仍然小得不足挂齿。据估计,MOG的付费用户不足10万,而Rhapsody和Spotify在全球拥有300万用户。苹果由于自身拥有从硬件到软件的完整产品链而获利丰厚,而谷歌则收购了摩托罗拉(Motorola),以期达到相似的效果。但是,与这两大巨头相比,宏达电还是太弱小了。



    Beats co-founder Iovine has also long championed the sale of higher-quality mp3s, appealing to record companies to provide first-rate sound files to online distributors like Apple's iTunes. MOG has the highest quality-streaming rate of the major subscription services. Ross Rubin, an analyst with NPD, says because of the constant improvement of streaming, MOG's lead "doesn't seem like a strong differentiating factor." Still, Iovine has ties to legendary record producer and Columbia Records co-president Rick Rubin, who sits on MOG's board of directors. When Iovine began his campaign for higher quality sound files, he asked Rubin to do the same at Sony (SNE), Columbia's parent.

    If a deal for MOG materializes, how would HTC benefit? One possibility is bundling MOG with its Android offerings. Last year, Rhapsody created a partnership with mobile phone carrier Metro PCS (PCS). So far, results have been unspectacular. Another possibility is all three brands creating an "end to end" product combining music streaming, Beats audio technology, and HTC hardware, says Rubin, the NPD analyst. MOG could even be rebranded, taking the Beats moniker. CNET reported rumors of plans for a new commerce website that sells music, headphones and other items.

    There are also some potential landmines. If HTC pushes MOG onto its handsets, it may upset deals that carriers have with other music subscription services. Plus, MOG's business is still small compared to Spotify. It is estimated to have under 100,000 paid subscribers compared to its larger rivals 3 million worldwide. Apple has made gains because it owns the entire experience, from hardware to software. Google bought Motorola (MMI) to achieve similar efficiencies. But HTC is much smaller.

    Still, NPD's Rubin says the acquisition is an investment. "The idea is that, over time, new generations of consumers will care less about ownership and more about access," he says. Iovine seems to be on the same page. In 2010 he told Billboard, "We're in the music transmission business," he said. "I just want people to enjoy it more. Whether they buy it…or borrow it." With MOG, HTC and Beats may very well be able to lend it to them.
