

Greg Andrews 2012-03-01











    Tablets are compelling devices that have captivated much of the tech industry over the past year. Most tablets are slick, portable, equipped with a bright touch screen, and priced lower than a typical desktop or laptop. Detractors have said that while tablets are innovative devices, they fall well short in functionality to a desktop or laptop PC. These critics are raising serious business and technology questions. What are tablets really going to be used for in large enterprises? What are their practical uses beyond viewing content and email? How much money can be made making and selling tablets?

    Here are seven promising applications for tablets according to our findings at Accenture based on ongoing interactions with clients, coupled with industry research and analysis. The common thread underpinning these applications is that tablets are especially relevant for people on the move who need real-time, economical access to critical information virtually anywhere, anytime to accelerate communications and improve customer service.

Healthcare, Hospital, and Medical Applications

    Doctors, nurses, administrators and patients are finding tablets particularly useful to reduce costs, accelerate transaction times, streamline information access, reduce paperwork, and simplify the overall healthcare experience for workers and patients.

    Tablets are attractive for hospital use because, lacking keyboards, they are easy to wipe down and disinfect. They also provide quick mobile access to the latest information about clinical best practices. Tablets also enable doctors and nurses to read and record blood pressure and glucose levels while in a patient's room rather than at a desktop or laptop computer in another location. The devices can connect wirelessly into a hospital's electronics patient record system and a doctor can use a tablet to review a set of patient test results.

    Radiologists can read films from their tablets from virtually anywhere. Doctors can show patients exactly what the test or diagnosis or x-ray reveals in real-time.

Sales Force

    Sales people are finding tablets appealing because they tend to offer more features and applications than netbooks, and are smaller, weigh less, and are less cumbersome to carry and use than laptops in face-to-face customer meetings. As such, sales people can swiftly and easily access, display, and enter essential data on their tablets and provide on-the-spot and updated product and price quotes, and order requests.


    The entertainment industry, particularly cable TV and broadcast network companies, are exploring tablets as another medium for content delivery beyond PCs and smartphones, Cable and content providers are ascertaining the affect it will have on TV viewing habits. A tablet is large enough to offer easy viewing of TV shows and movies. In addition, using tablets for gaming, photography, video and illustration is appealing. Using the tablet screen to view TV tracks with recent Accenture research that found consumers are rapidly turning to consumer electronics products such as smartphones and tablets to view media.
