

Kevin Kelleher 2012-02-17

    这一切都有赖于Windows 8的表现。尽管这个最新的操作系统预计要等到今年下半年才会问世,但迄今为止,前期测评都对它给予了肯定。Windows 8的界面设计大概是自Windows 95以来微软核心操作系统的设计中最为野心勃勃的一款。据报道,它重启所需的时间不足8秒,一个月才需重启一次,而且采用了Metro用户界面。

    Windows 8的未来如何,Metro的表现至关重要。该界面适宜于触摸使用,专为运行Windows Phone 7的智能手机、搭载ARM处理器的平板电脑、搭载英特尔芯片的PC机、以及Xbox 360等而设计。

    苹果花了几年的时间,才实现了iOS操作系统在iPhone、iPad、也许最终还包括Macbook Air等多种设备上的顺畅运行。然而微软打算一步到位,让Windows 8一经推出就同时能在多种设备上流畅运行。部分批评人士认为这是不可实现的。而在其他一些人眼中,微软正在竭尽全力朝着这个目标努力。当然,微软此举最终能否成功还要取决于细节。但如果微软最终如愿以偿,那它不仅将在PC机和笔记本电脑领域对苹果构成强劲挑战,在平板电脑和手机市场也同样如此。


    实际上,多年来未曾出现过的风光场面在微软重现。除了其他业务线保持增长之外,微软凭借着Windows 8亦将在平板电脑、智能手机、以及PC机领域大显身手。这足以帮助鲍尔默向呼吁他下台的批评人士报一箭之仇。(有传闻说,鲍尔默在今年晚些时候Windows 8正式推出之后可能就会宣布辞职。)无论成功与否,Windows 8都有可能是鲍尔默的绝唱。如果它成功了,鲍尔默的离去将是悲喜交加。因为Windows 8很可能会证明,微软在后PC世界的地位依然举足轻重。


    That all depends on how well Windows 8 works. The operating software isn't expected to arrive until the second half of the year, but early reviews are positive. Windows 8 looks to be the most ambitious redesign of Microsoft's core operating software since Windows 95. It reportedly reboots in less than eight seconds, requires a restart only once a month and employs the Metro interface.

    Metro is key to Windows 8's future. It's a touch friendly interface designed to work on smartphones running Windows Phone 7, tablets powered by ARM processors, PCs using Intel chips and perhaps even the Xbox 360.

    It took Apple (AAPL) several years to make the iOS software work smoothly on multiple devices – iPhones, iPads and, perhaps in time, Macbook Airs. Microsoft is planning to accomplish this in one fell swoop. Some critics doubt this is possible. Others see Microsoft trying to make it work. It all comes down to the details, of course, but if it works, Microsoft is poised to become a viable competitor to Apple not just in PCs and laptops, but in tablets and phones as well.

    The notion that Microsoft would languish in a post-PC world has been a cloud that has hung over the company for years. But now, the worst-case-scenario for Microsoft is that Windows becomes irrelevant and the company focuses on other initiatives like servers, business software and the Xbox.

    For the first time in years, there is also a best-case scenario as well. Along with its other lines of business growing, Windows 8 will make Microsoft a strong player in tablets, smartphones and PCs. That would vindicate Ballmer against all the critics who called for him to resign. (There are rumors that Ballmer will do just that, after the release of Windows 8 later this year.) Success or disappointment, Windows 8 could be Ballmer's swan song. If it's a success, that could make for an bittersweet departure. Because Windows 8 may well be the technology that proves Microsoft can still be relevant.
