

JP Mangalindan 2011-08-11

插图:Electric in Life

    * 拜极端波动的市场所赐,科技IPO(首次公开募股)窗口是否业已关闭?(前沿科技博客VentureBeat)

    *欧洲流媒体音乐服务提供商Spotify公司放出豪言,要在登陆美国的头一年就赢得5千万美国用户,这个雄心勃勃的目标能否实现还有待观察,但最起码,它看起来开局良好。据报道,这家流媒体音乐服务公司自几周前在美国启动以来的签约用户已经达到了140万,其中175,000人为付费服务用户。(科技与创业公司新闻网站All Things D)

    * 为什么说威瑞森通讯公司(Verizon)罢工中双方都会蒙受损失。【《财富》(Fortune)】

    * 21岁的微软公司(Microsoft)技术高手查理•肯特辞去工作,致力于一家业务不明的创业公司。最近,肯特带领公司致力于促使开发人员为微软手机平台(Windows Phone platform)进行开发。(科技与创业公司新闻网站All Things D)

    * Twitter收购了Bagcheck公司,后者是一家让用户创建自己感兴趣的用品的各种清单的创业公司。目前而言,Twitter公司计划如何运用Bagcheck的技术还完全不得而知,但科技新闻网站The Next Web推测,它可能会让用户与品牌之间的互动更进一步。(科技新闻网站The Next Web)

    * Google+将会大行其道,原因何在。(科技新闻网站The Next Web)

    * 假如你想了解的话,“真实世界”里速度最快的网络浏览器还是谷歌公司(Google)的Chrome。(科技博客TechCrunch)


    * Has the tech IPO (initial public offering) window closed thanks to the extremely volatile market? (VentureBeat)

    * Whether or not Spotify can achieve its ambitious goal of nabbing 50 million U.S. users during its first year of domestic operations remains to be seen, but at the very least, it looks to be off to a good start. The music streaming service has reportedly signed up 1.4 million U.S. users since coming stateside a few weeks ago with 175,000 of those paying for some form of premium plan. (All Things D)

    * Why both sides could lose in the Verizon strike. (Fortune)

    * Charlie Kindel, a 21-year-old Microsoft veteran is leaving the company to focus on an unspecified startup. Most recently, Kindel directed the company's efforts to get developers to develop for the Windows Phone platform. (All Things D)

    * Twitter acquired Bagcheck, a startup that allows its users to create lists of things that interest you. At this point, it's a complete unknown how the social network plans to utilize Bagcheck's technology, but The Next Web speculates it may allow users to interact with brands even further. (The Next Web)

    * Why Google+ is very much here to stay. (The Next Web)

    * In case you were wondering, the fastest Web browser in the "real world" remains Google Chrome. (TechCrunch)
