

JP Mangalindan 2011-06-10

周二发布的任天堂Wii U掌上终端。图片:任天堂

    * 任天堂终于揭开了市场翘首以盼的全新家庭视频游戏终端——Wii U的神秘面纱。任天堂公司在新闻发布会上着重强调了实际的游戏体验,甚于强调硬件规格,尽管它却又很快确认,这款设备的各款游戏将拥有高分辨率,这在任天堂的家庭游戏终端尚属首次。新品的创新之处如下:它搭载了一块6.2英寸触摸屏的全新控制器,创造了基于Wii式动作的体验的陀螺仪和加速器,还配有供视频聊天用的摄像头和麦克风,并具有振动功能。

    * 苹果发布iCloud, iOS 5和OSX Lion仅一天后,斯蒂夫•乔布斯就向库比蒂诺(Cupertino)市议会做了一场20分钟的演示,抛出了他为苹果公司全新总部所做的规划:形似飞船的四层楼圆形建筑,足可容纳13,000名员工。[《财富》(Fortune)]

    * 据报道,Square以10亿美元的估值再次募得5千万美元风投,同时将Khosla Ventures的创始人Vinod Khosla纳入其董事会。[TechCrunch科技博客(TechCrunch)]

    * 今日传言:微软公司正在考虑一款搭载其Windows 8操作系统的品牌平板电脑,预计将于2012年末推出。[《电子时报》(DigiTimes)]

    * Twitter再次向用户推出其“本土链接缩短”(native link shortening),该社交网络2010改版时舍弃了这一功能。(Twitter)

    * AdParlor的首席执行官侯赛因•法扎尔预计,Facebook的广告销售额将超过谷歌。[TechCrunch科技博客(TechCrunch)]

    * 手机广告发展迅猛。据ComScore的数据,去年4月有689家广告商通过手机开展广告活动,与两年前同期相比,增幅达到128%。[《洛杉矶时报》(Los Angeles Times)]


    * Nintendo pulled the wraps off its highly-anticipated new home videogame console, the Wii U. During the press event, the company emphasized the actual gaming experience over hardware specifications, though it was pretty quickly established that games would be in high-definition, a first for the company's home consoles. The innovative part? A new controller packing a 6.2-inch touchscreen, a gyroscope and accelerometer enabling a Wii-like motion-based experience, video camera and microphone for video chat, and vibration feature.

    * Just one day after announcing iCloud, iOS 5, and OSX Lion, Steve Jobs gave a 20-minute presentation to Cupertino's city council pitching his plans for Apple's new headquarters: a four-story circular building resembling a spaceship big enough to house 13,000 employees. Here's a full clip of the event. (Fortune)

    * Square is reportedly raising another $50 million at a $1 billion-plus valuation and also adding Khosla Ventures founder Vinod Khosla to its Board of Directors. (TechCrunch)

    * Rumor of the day: Microsoft is thinking about a branded tablet running Windows 8 that would launch by the end of 2012. (DigiTimes)

    * Twitter reintroduced native link shortening to users, a feature that was dropped from the social network's 2010 redesign. (Twitter)

    * AdParlor CEO Hussein Fazal predicts Facebook will surpass Google in ad sales. (TechCrunch)

    * Meanwhile, mobile advertising is climbing fast. According to ComScore, 689 advertisers used mobile display advertising campaigns last April, a 128% increase compared with the same time two years earlier. (Los Angeles Times)
