

JP Mangalindan 2011-05-25

    * 对富士康(Foxconn)成都工厂以及发生爆炸的车间现场的惊鸿一瞥。富士康成都工厂共包括8栋楼。为了满足iPad2的生产需求,该工业园区的建造只用了70余天时间。此次爆炸事件中,至少有3名富士康员工死亡。[《财富》(Fortune)源引M.I.C. Gadget消息]

    * 一如媒体大肆宣传,“所谓的苹果(Apple)2.0零售体验”在澳大利亚率先发布。迄今发生的最主要的变化是,iPad显示屏取代了传统的纸标,用于显示产品信息和价格。[《Mac故事》(MacStories)]

    * 为何对于苹果而言,尚需假以时日,才能迎来其云音乐服务的黄金时代。(All Things D)

    * 现在,亚马逊(Amazon)客户购买的电子图书的数量已经超过了印刷图书。准确地说是:每售出100本精装及平装印刷图书,相应地就会售出105部Kindle电子书。[《纽约时报》(New York Times)]

    * 美国可能并非如美国人希望的那样先进。美国联邦通信委员会(FCC)的一份报告显示,在29个国家的移动宽带使用率排名中,美国名列第九;在33个国家的固定宽带使用率排名中,美国名列第12.(Pulse2)

    * 杰克•多尔西(Jack Dorsey)创建了专注于手机支付业务的初创公司Square。现在,该公司每天能处理300万美元的付款业务,是其3月份时处理能力的3倍。(TechCrunch)

    * 对Android之父安迪•鲁宾(Andy Rubin)的简要介绍。现如今,鲁宾开发的移动操作系统驱动着全美三分之一的智能手机;此外,每天还有40多万部新出产的智能手机搭载Android系统。(Silicon Alley Insider)

    * 曾否想过,某个Yelp褒奖或批评有可能是伪造的?尽管该网站竭尽全力,避免发生此类情况,但《纽约时报》发现,捏造一条评论,纯属举手之劳。(《纽约时报》)

    * 今夏,学生们如果购买一台价值699美元、搭载Windows 7操作系统的个人计算机,即可获赠一台搭载4GB硬盘的Xbox 360。(Gamasutra)


    * A rare glimpse inside Foxconn's Chengdu factory, an eight-building complex built in 70 days to accommodate iPad 2 manufacturing and the site of a workshop explosion that killed at least three employees. (M.I.C. Gadget via Fortune)

    * The so-called "Apple 2.0 retail experience," as the media has dubbed it, launched in Australia. The main shake-up so far appears to be iPads for displaying product information and prices in lieu of traditional paper signs. (MacStories)

    * Why Apple still has a ways to go before its cloud music service is ready for prime time. (All Things D)

    * Amazon's customers now pick up more e-books than print books: 105 Kindle books for every 100 hardcover and paperback books, to be exact. (New York Times)

    * The United States may not be as cutting edge as we Americans might like to think. An FCC report says the U.S. ranked ninth out of 29 countries for mobile broadband adoption rates and 12th out of 33 countries for fixed broadband adoption rates. (Pulse2)

    * Jack Dorsey's mobile payments startup Square now processes $3 million in payments a day, three times what the company was handling in March. (TechCrunch)
