

JP Mangalindan 2011-05-16


    * 首先奉上一条特大新闻。每日野兽网(The Daily Beast)发现Facebook雇佣了博雅公关公司(Burson-Marsteller)为其炮制谷歌(Google)的负面新闻。Facebook的一位发言人日前确认了每日野兽网的报道,并表示Facebook之所以这样做,首先是由于公司认为谷歌的社交网络活动的确有侵犯公众隐私权之虞;其次谷歌使用了Facebook的数据,用于自己的社交网络服务。科技网站BetaNews采访了这个争议故事的新闻来源——主张保护隐私权的博客人克里斯托弗•索菲安。您可以点击此处查看采访内容。(来源:每日野兽网、BetaNews)

    * 为何Facebook需要首席运营官谢乐尔•桑德伯格?请点击此处。[来源:《彭博商业周刊》(Bloomberg Businessweek)]

    * 安卓系统(Android)的缔造者安迪•鲁宾将原Danger公司的工程师马特•赫汉森和乔•布理特招至麾下,来打造内部的安卓硬件。这两个人也是一度大热的Sidekick智能手机的幕后功臣。 [来源:《财富》(Fortune)]

    * 点此了解最新的谷歌电视(Google TV)。(来源:GigaOm)

    * 美国联邦通信委员会委员梅瑞迪斯•阿特维尔•贝克尔四个月前投票支持康卡斯特(Comcast)和NBC环球集团的并购。现在她表示她将离开工作岗位,加入康卡斯特的华盛顿游说办公室。[来源:《纽约时报》(New York Times)]

    * 正如预期的那样,谷歌在日前的I/O开发者大会上推出了第一批安装Chrome OS操作系统的三星(Samsung)和宏碁(Acer)笔记本电脑。瘾科技(Engadget)博客对三星的5系列(Series 5)笔记本给出了溢美之辞,并发现它们具有很多优点,例如硬件打造得都很好,让500美元以下的笔记本市场上的其他产品相形失色,而且三星的这几款新笔记本还有长达8.5小时的电池续航时间。(来源:瘾科技博客)

    * 高德纳咨询公司(Gartner Research)表示,虽然固态硬盘(SSD)这种高速存储硬盘的价格很高,现在只有在最新款的苹果Air笔记本电脑等电脑上才见得到它的身影,但由于价格的下降,2012年将成为固态硬盘井喷的一年。到2012年下半年,固态硬盘的价格将仅为1美元每GB。[来源:《PC世界》(PC World)]


* This one's a whopper... The Daily Beast discovered that Facebook hired public relations firm Burson-Marsteller to pitch anti-Google stories to publications. A Facebook spokesperson confirmed as much to the Web site last night, citing concerns with Google's social networking activities that raise privacy concerns and issues with Google's use of Facebook data for its own social networking services. UPDATE: BetaNews has an interview with the controversial story's source, privacy advocate Christopher Soghoian. (The Daily Beast and BetaNews)

* Why Facebook needs COO Sheryl Sandberg. (Bloomberg Businessweek)

* Android creator Andy Rubin hired former Danger engineers and colleagues Matt Hershenson and Joe Britt, the folks behind the once-popular Sidekick smartphone, to work on in-house Android hardware. (Fortune)

* A first look at the new Google TV. (GigaOm)

* F.C.C. commissioner Meredith Attwell Baker, who four months ago voted in favor of the Comcast-NBC Universal merger, now says she's leaving her post to join Comcast's Washington lobbying office. (New York Times)

* As predicted, Google unveiled the initial batch of Chrome OS notebook offerings from Samsung and Acer at the company's I/O conference yesterday. Engadget gave Samsung's Series 5 laptop a spin and found much to like, including well-built hardware that puts other notebooks in the sub-$500 market to shame and an 8.5-hour battery life. (Engadget)

* Gartner Research says consumer solid-state drives, those swift yet still-pricey hard drives available in some computers like the latest crop of MacBook Airs, will have a break-out year in 2012 thanks to falling prices: $1 per gigabyte by the second half of the year. (PC World)

