

JP Mangalindan 2011-04-13


    谷歌(Google)新任首席执行官拉里•佩奇增加年终奖考核标准。上周五,他在一份面向全体员工的备忘录中表示,今年,所有人年终奖的25%都将与谷歌在社交网络领域的业绩挂钩,无论他们是否从事这方面的工作。佩奇在名为《2011年终奖计划》("2011 Bonus Multiplier")的备忘录里写道,“这需要所有人的共同努力,所以我们务必要同舟共济。”(那些没有直接参与社交产品的员工仍未给出反馈。)(Business Insider)

    • 据报道,英特尔(Intel)旗下的风险投资部门准备向电子教材与平板电脑制造商Kno投资3000万美元。[彭博社(Bloomberg)]

    • 有报道称,美国政府有意考虑利用Twitter和Facebook,作为发布来自美国国土安全局(Department of Homeland Security)的恐怖袭击警报的新渠道。不过假如要做到这一点,Twitter和Facebook的用户必须“跟随”政府部门建立的账号,或是将其“加为好友”。(PC Mag)

    • Facebook日前举办新闻发布会,公开了服务器和数据中心信息,Facebook很可能想借此表明自己在透明度方面有所提高。(这反正没坏处,对吧?)Facebook使用了AMD、英特尔和x86体系架构。“通过将特定的计算机工作流分解成各式任务,以尽可能地节约能源和降低成本。”(Neowin 和 Facebook)

    • 近日,天使投资人戴夫•麦克卢尔旗下的新创企业孵化器及初期投资基金500 Startups宣布建立“设计师基金”(The Designer Fund),以面向设计师建立的新创公司。“设计师基金”的设计者兼创始人恩里克•艾伦表示:“只有极少数设计师会真的出来开创自己的一番事业。”该基金希望招募到50位投资者以投资50家新创公司。(VentureBeat)

    • SocialFlow是一家媒体平台,利用数据分析手段帮助各大品牌了解发布Twitter消息的最佳方式和时段,以达到最好的宣传效果。它在首轮融资中募集到700万美元。(TechCrunch)

    • 苹果(Apple)最近提交了多份与“智能边框”有关的专利申请。这项专利能将iPhone和iPad边缘的非活动黑色(或白色)区域转变成具有交互能力的副屏幕。9 to 5 Mac猜测,这种潜在的新功能将使音频回放和游戏控制成为可能。虽然谁也不知道这些专利能否被用到未来的产品中,不过在我们看来,这种把屏幕周围不活动区域变成有用区域的想法确实十分高明。(9 to 5 Mac)


    New Google CEO Larry Page just upped the ante as far as workflow goes. Last Friday, he sent out a company memo explaining to all employees that 25% of their annual bonuses will be tied to the success of Google's social strategy this year, regardless of whether they're working on the related products. "This is a joint effort, so it's important that we all get behind it," he wrote in the memo, entitled "2011 Bonus Multiplier." (Employees not directly working on social products are still expected to offer feedback.) (Business Insider)

    • Intel's venture capital arm is reportedly planning to invest $30 million in digital textbook and tablet maker Kno. (Bloomberg)

    • The U.S. government is reportedly considering Twitter and Facebook as new channels for disseminating terror-alert information from the Department of Homeland Security. Though for that to happen (if it happens), users of both social networks would have to "follow" or "friend" which ever accounts the government establishes. (PC Mag)

    • At a press event yesterday, Facebook revealed information about their server and data centers, most likely as a goodwill sign of increased transparency. (Hey, can't hurt, right?) The infrastructure, which utilizes AMD, Intel, and the x86 architecture, "minimizes power consumption and cost while delivering the right computer workload for a variety of tasks." (Neowin and Facebook)

    • Angel investor Dave McClure's start-up incubator and early-stage investment fund 500 Startups announced The Designer Fund, aimed at startups founded by designers. "Too few are actually venturing out and starting their own thing," said firm designer and founder Enrique Allen. The hope is to recruit 50 investors for the fund to back 50 startups. (VentureBeat)

    • SocialFlow, a media platform that uses data analytics to show brands the best ways and times to Tweet to achieve maximum exposure, raised $7 million during its Series A round of funding. (TechCrunch)

    • Apple's recent patent applications shed light on a "smart bezel," which turns the typical non-active black (or white) areas on the edges of iPhone and iPad into sort of a interactive second screen. 9 to 5 Mac speculates this potential new feature opens up scenarios for media playback and game controls, for instance. Who knows whether these patents will lead to inclusion in future products, but the idea of turning all that inactive space around the screen into something useful sounds pretty smart to us. (9 to 5 Mac)
