

ALEXA MIKHAIL 2024-03-28

遗憾的是,这种广受欢迎的披萨正是长寿科学家瓦尔特·隆哥(Valter Longo)提出的影响长寿的“五种有毒的食物”之一。图片来源:WESTEND61 VIA GETTY

早在布莱恩·约翰逊(Bryan Johnson)因其极端生物黑客行为而声名大噪之前——他接受了无数次测试,严格遵守饮食习惯,并服用了数十种补充剂,以求长生不老——瓦尔特·隆哥就痴迷于长寿了。


长期以来,意大利人的生活方式一直被认为是长寿的黄金标准,其重点在于地中海饮食、适宜步行和社区生活。意大利撒丁岛是最初的五个蓝色地带之一,那里的人们活得最长、最健康。丹·比特纳(Dan Buettner)最近在网飞(Netflix)上推出的纪录片《如何活过100岁》(Living to 100)中,有一集重点介绍了撒丁岛居民的长寿秘诀。


杰森·霍罗威茨(Jason Horowitz)写道,意大利年轻人正面临肥胖问题,原因是隆哥所说的“五种有毒的食物——披萨、意大利面、蛋白质、土豆和面包(意大利统称pane)”。隆哥担心,如果这种模式继续主导意大利文化,意大利人将会保持长寿,但无法做到健康。

如何扭转这种局面?《长寿饮食》(The Longevity Diet)一书的作者隆哥是原始地中海饮食的支持者,这种饮食以植物性食物和坚果为主。他在自己的网站上发布了长寿食谱,包括糖醋沙丁鱼、塞馅洋蓟、卷心菜馅饼和洋葱佐核桃酱。




早在布莱恩·约翰逊(Bryan Johnson)因其极端生物黑客行为而声名大噪之前——他接受了无数次测试,严格遵守饮食习惯,并服用了数十种补充剂,以求长生不老——瓦尔特·隆哥就痴迷于长寿了。


长期以来,意大利人的生活方式一直被认为是长寿的黄金标准,其重点在于地中海饮食、适宜步行和社区生活。意大利撒丁岛是最初的五个蓝色地带之一,那里的人们活得最长、最健康。丹·比特纳(Dan Buettner)最近在网飞(Netflix)上推出的纪录片《如何活过100岁》(Living to 100)中,有一集重点介绍了撒丁岛居民的长寿秘诀。


杰森·霍罗威茨(Jason Horowitz)写道,意大利年轻人正面临肥胖问题,原因是隆哥所说的“五种有毒的食物——披萨、意大利面、蛋白质、土豆和面包(意大利统称pane)”。隆哥担心,如果这种模式继续主导意大利文化,意大利人将会保持长寿,但无法做到健康。

如何扭转这种局面?《长寿饮食》(The Longevity Diet)一书的作者隆哥是原始地中海饮食的支持者,这种饮食以植物性食物和坚果为主。他在自己的网站上发布了长寿食谱,包括糖醋沙丁鱼、塞馅洋蓟、卷心菜馅饼和洋葱佐核桃酱。




Long before Bryan Johnson became famous for his extreme biohacking—undergoing countless tests, following strict eating habits, and taking dozens of supplements in the name of living forever—Valter Longo was obsessed with longevity.

In a recent profile of the scientist in the New York Times, Longo, who is a professor of gerontology and director of the USC Longevity Institute in California, says he wants to live 120 to 130 healthy years. His drive for longevity aligns with a growing interest in extending health span, the number of years lived free of disease, as opposed to life span—which refers to the number of years lived.

The Italian lifestyle has long been considered the gold standard for longevity, with the focus on the Mediterranean diet, walkability, and community. Sardinia, Italy, is one of the five original Blue Zones—where people live the longest, healthiest lives. Lessons from the residents of Sardinia were the focus of one of the episodes of Dan Buettner’s recent Netflix documentary, Living to 100.

Longo, who was born and raised in Italy, points out that today, “Almost nobody in Italy eats the Mediterranean diet.”

Italy’s youth are facing obesity because of what Longo calls the “poisonous five P’s—pizza, pasta, protein, potatoes, and pane (or bread),” Jason Horowitz writes. Longo fears Italians will live long but not healthfully if this pattern continues to dominate the culture.

How to reverse it? Longo, author of The Longevity Diet, is a proponent of the original Mediterranean diet, which consists of plant-based foods and nuts. He has his own recipes for longevity on his website, which include sweet and sour sardines, stuffed artichokes, cabbage patties, and onions in walnut sauce.

He also champions another relatively new concept in the space—faux fasting or a fasting-mimicking diet. This refers to limiting food intake, which is supposed to help the body reap the benefits of fasting without fully abstaining from food. According to Longo’s website, the protocol includes a diet low in carbohydrates and protein and high in fatty acids. “The Fasting Mimicking Diet patented recipe allows your body to remain in a fasting like mode, which triggers a set of protectionist measures that the body has developed during natural selection,” his site reads. “This allows the body to optimize its performance, rejuvenate its cells, and thrive under demanding circumstances.”

Research has found both benefits and drawbacks to intermittent fasting, but its continued popularity demonstrates the lengths people will go to with the hope of extending their lives.
