

Dylan Sloan 2024-03-21
经纪公司监管机构美国金融业监管局刚刚对M1 Finance处以85万美元的罚款,原因是付费网红在推广其产品时发表了误导性言论。


监管机构正在打击社交媒体上误导性的投资建议:经纪公司应用程序M1 Finance刚刚被处以85万美元的罚款,原因是该公司雇佣的大批网红对其进行虚假宣传。

美国金融业监管局(FINRA)是一家政府授权的非营利组织,由美国证券交易委员会(SEC)监督,负责监管上市经纪公司。在对M1 Finance于2020年至2023年期间支付的社交媒体宣传费用进行深入调查后,美国金融业监管局于3月18日宣布了罚款决定。



美国金融业监管局发现,M1 Finance雇佣了约1,700名网红发布赞助内容来推荐该公司的经纪账户,并为他们提供图形和“欢迎指南”,以便网红围绕这些信息创作内容。这一策略很有效:在2020年1月至2023年4月期间,M1 Finance新增了近4万个账户,该公司根据通过推荐链接注册的新客户向网红支付固定费用。

TikTok用户吉尔·奥利维拉在2020年9月发布了一段视频,内容是不同金融公司代表在争论哪家金融公司向客户提供的条件最优惠,并指出了M1 Finance的费用低、应用程序设计佳。

2022年3月,TikTok用户MoneyCoachVince发布了一段视频,列举了罗斯IRA退休账户的好处,鼓励用户通过其个人主页中的链接注册M1 Finance。

美国金融业监管局指出,M1 Finance没有审查或批准其付费网红发布的内容,这违反了该组织的规定。一些网红还发表了与事实不符的言论,其中一个例子是,一位网红称,使用M1 Finance保证金贷款计划的客户可以“在任何给定的时间偿还[保证金贷款]……没有固定的期限”。

M1 Finance没有回复对本文置评的电子邮件。该公司与美国金融业监管局达成了和解协议,既未承认也未否认指控。



监管机构正在打击社交媒体上误导性的投资建议:经纪公司应用程序M1 Finance刚刚被处以85万美元的罚款,原因是该公司雇佣的大批网红对其进行虚假宣传。

美国金融业监管局(FINRA)是一家政府授权的非营利组织,由美国证券交易委员会(SEC)监督,负责监管上市经纪公司。在对M1 Finance于2020年至2023年期间支付的社交媒体宣传费用进行深入调查后,美国金融业监管局于3月18日宣布了罚款决定。



美国金融业监管局发现,M1 Finance雇佣了约1,700名网红发布赞助内容来推荐该公司的经纪账户,并为他们提供图形和“欢迎指南”,以便网红围绕这些信息创作内容。这一策略很有效:在2020年1月至2023年4月期间,M1 Finance新增了近4万个账户,该公司根据通过推荐链接注册的新客户向网红支付固定费用。

TikTok用户吉尔·奥利维拉在2020年9月发布了一段视频,内容是不同金融公司代表在争论哪家金融公司向客户提供的条件最优惠,并指出了M1 Finance的费用低、应用程序设计佳。

2022年3月,TikTok用户MoneyCoachVince发布了一段视频,列举了罗斯IRA退休账户的好处,鼓励用户通过其个人主页中的链接注册M1 Finance。

美国金融业监管局指出,M1 Finance没有审查或批准其付费网红发布的内容,这违反了该组织的规定。一些网红还发表了与事实不符的言论,其中一个例子是,一位网红称,使用M1 Finance保证金贷款计划的客户可以“在任何给定的时间偿还[保证金贷款]……没有固定的期限”。

M1 Finance没有回复对本文置评的电子邮件。该公司与美国金融业监管局达成了和解协议,既未承认也未否认指控。



Regulators are taking aim at misleading investing advice on social media: Brokerage app M1 Finance just got fined $850,000 for hiring an army of influencers who advertised false claims about the company.

FINRA, a government-authorized not-for-profit overseen by the SEC that regulates public brokerage firms, announced the fine on March 18 after an extended investigation into social media campaigns M1 Finance paid for between 2020 and 2023.

This is the first time FINRA has levied enforcement against a company for its social-media influencer strategy, a precedent that could have big implications for other firms.

“As investors increasingly use social media to inform their financial decisions, FINRA’s rules on communicating with the public are especially critical,” FINRA executive vice president and head of enforcement Bill St. Louis wrote in a press release. “FINRA will continue to consider whether firms are using practices and maintaining supervisory systems that are reasonably designed to address the risks related to social media influencer programs.”

FINRA found that M1 Finance hired around 1,700 influencers to post sponsored content advertising the company’s brokerage accounts, providing them with graphics and a “welcome guide” to build content around. The strategy was effective: Between January 2020 and April 2023, M1 Finance added almost 40,000 new accounts, and the company paid each influencer a flat fee for every new customer that signed up through their referral link.

TikTok user Gil Olivera posted a video playing representatives of different financial firms debating over which one offers the best terms to its customers in September 2020, pointing out M1 Finance’s low fees and app design.

In March 2022, TikTok user MoneyCoachVince posted a video listing benefits of a Roth IRA savings account, encouraging users to sign up for M1 Finance at a link in his profile.

FINRA pointed out that M1 Finance didn’t review or approve the content its paid influencers were posting, a violation of the organization’s rules. Some influencers also made factually incorrect statements, including one example where an influencer stated that customers using M1 Finance’s margin lending program could “pay [margin loans] back at any given time…there is no set time period.”

M1 Finance did not respond to an email requesting a comment for this article. It settled the matter with FINRA without admitting or denying the charges.

Social media has emerged as a hugely popular source for financial advice—a 2023 Forbes study found that almost 80% of millennials and Gen Zers have gotten financial advice from social media, and #FinTok has almost 5 billion views on TikTok alone. That comes with risks attached, though: A recent study found that well over half of all financial advice on TikTok was misleading. In what’s become a largely unregulated source of information, FINRA has let influencers know that it’s paying attention.
